Little Red. (yaoi fairy tail book one)

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Once upon a time in a small village surrounded by forest there was, a small boy. The boy’s name was Kai, but most new him as red. Some of that reason was because of his deep red hair, but t was mostly because of the red hood he always wore. No matter the time, place, or weather, he was never without his hood. Red was by far the cuties boy in town, little red was also the smallest. Word of a murder was spearing around town. His mother worried over Kai, making him come home earlier. Kai just smiled and did what he was told. He didn’t really mind the rules, so he played it safe, most of the time. One day Kai’s other grew sick. Sighing she told her son to bring granny’s weekly goods to her. Red smiled happily graving the basket and skipped out the door. The door closed Behind him before his mother could tell him to watch out for wolfs, and that killer who’s about

Red kipped down the path. He smiled, picking some flowers along the way. Golden eyes potted him. A lone wolf watched red pass by. He licked his lips and slipped in front of red.

“Hello little boy. Please tell me your name~”

red looked at him a bit scared.


The wolf wasn’t truly a wolf, more like a werewolf. He was half wolf and half human. Greyish white hair coved hi back and his two wolf ears that sat on top of his head. a bushy grayish white tail swayed behind him. Golden eyes stared at him; He licked his thin red lips waning to eat red up. 

Red blinked at him “I-I’m n-not allowed to talk to strangers…….”

the wolf smirked. “I’m Ryder.”

“K-Kai…….but everyone calls me Red……..”

Ryder smiled stepping closer. “Well Red we’re not strangers anymore are we?”

Red smiled showing dimples “Ya guess your right~”

 The wolf placed his arm around red bring him closer. “Yes………….where are you going?

“… grandma’s”

“Mhm…..I see”

the wolf smirked knowing where she lived. Though he knew she was gone, he didn’t plan on telling Kai that. Ryder towered over the mall boy.

“I know a short cut you can take.”

“You do?!”

“Yes…..just follow the path to the left I’m sure it’s the fastest.”

Red smiled “thank you.”

The wolf smiled as he watched red disappear, he ran through the forest coming to a small cottage. Ryder picked up the space key smirking. Opening the door quickly Ryder made his way to the bedroom. Slipping into bed he pulled the covers over his head and weighted for his little red.

Red skipped up to the small cottage and knocked to his surprise the door swung right open.


Kai stepped inside; he saw the figure in the bed and smiled, running to the bed side.

“O wake up granny~ I brought you some goods~”

Red pulled back the covers but it wasn’t his granny lying there, but the wolf he meat earlier. Before he could run Ryder graved Kai pulling red under him. Red yelped as he was pinned under the wolf. Ryder stared down at Kai licking his lips. Slowly Ryder nipped at Kai’s neck making red blush deep. Hands went up Kai’s shirt, rubbing and playing with his nipples. Red lost his shirt and pants after that in seconds. As Kai blushed Ryder nipped his was down Red’s chest licking his nipples as well. Kai couldn’t help but moan a little, painting a bit. The wolf pulled his boxers away licking his thigh’s before licking his staff. Red moaned, golden eyes stared up at Red smirking as he took Kai fully in his mouth. Little red couldn’t help but moan loudly only getting louder as Ryder sucked him harder and faster. Red came after Ryder swallowed he smirked. He helped Kai get dressed after he cleaned him up. The wolf wrapped his arms around Kai. Red blushed pulling out of his grip and ran. He ran all the way home, not stopping once. Ryder followed not wanting him to get hurt. The wolf smirked as he ran inside.

“I can’t wait to have you again~”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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