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1) What are your views on Pringles?
(I'm assuming this means the food) I used to enjoy them but nowadays they seem to have too much flavouring on them so I'm not to keen
2) Would you sell your soul to Satan for an MCR reunion tour? I would, for SkySolo_is_my_oxygen 's sake
3) Would you rather drown or be burned alive? I hear drowning is fun, so drowning
4) If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be? An avocado
5) Any fictional or celebrity crushes? Karma - assassination classroom
6) Favourite song lyric(s)?
7) Best compliment you have ever received?
You look less ugly than usual
8) Should Pluto be considered a planet?
For other's sake, yes
9) OTP?
akihito-kanburrito x cereal (BEREAL)
10) What would your Killjoy name be?
Obsidian devil
11) NOTP?
I could literally write a book on this *wink*
My biggest one though is probably Chinnian (don't ask)
12) What's the most annoying thing anyone could possibly say to you?
'Remember that thing you did 2 years ago?'
13) Would you eat a bath bomb if it meant you could meet your fictional/celebrity crush?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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