Steel Cold Heart

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You breathed slowly, your vision a little blurry. Tears clogged your eyes as you lay in the reckage of your room. In that room were pictures torn to sheds and furniture thrown about.

How did it come to this? How did your open carefree heart merit this of all things?

You slowly blinked your eyes close, a lonely tear escaping and falling down your face into your hairline.

You remember it all. You always trusted and gave so easily especially as a child. But the world is a cruel place and you learned that the hard way.

Moving was a bad idea, especially to a big city, where people were extra mean and grumpy.

You met him, and he was sweet, he didn't give away his ulterior motives. He was all the things you thought you needed and then some. And then there you were being open hearted and caring all over again after you had learned your lesson the many years before.

You had let him in and he had used you, degraded you, broke you, and you had loved him for it, so seriously broken you thought you deserved it.

You gasped out a dry sob as new tears broke through your closed eyes.

Then he left and you were empty, so empty, without his constant touch, even when it was against your will. You missed him and that broke you even more when the voice in the back of your head told you that you should despise him.

You shuddered as the cold seemed to seep into your bones and blood loss seem to take it affects.

You blinked open your eyes and whimpered as two eerie red lights peered down upon you.

Feeling a gust of wind blow past you face you whimpered again and clenched your eyes tight.

You opened them again when your felt something cold grab your slashed wrist.

"Humans... such pitiful creatures. They always strive to survive, but you.... you're trying to end yourself." The voice sent a shiver down your spine and you peered up at the eery red eyes.

"Tell me, human. Why is it you want to destroy yourself?" He asked, his voice tilting a little.

You breathed in a needed breath as it seems you were holding in the last one you had taken when he spoke.

"I-i I feel so alone. So empty." You struggled out. You were on a blood loss high but everything was so clear at this moment.

"Then why not fill that hole?" The voice had a different tone to it. Like it had also been empty and was looking for a way to fill it's own hole or how to feel less empty.

"I-I" then everything was blurry again and your high was gone, you faintly felt the cold thing grabbing your wrist grabbing you and pulling you into something warm.

"Then we shall find our answer together." The voice said, even.

Steel Cold Heart (Ultron X Reader Twoshot)Where stories live. Discover now