missing her

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I have been here for two months ever since that night. The night that separates me and her a thousand miles in this cement wall with this thick iron door with rusty bars.she has kept me going no telling how long I'll be here or if I will ever escape.the memories come often like flash backs it has been so long. My memories is like an abstract painting there are no bold lines in or any shapes. *bang, bang* which ment get up. " Let's move. " Said the keeper we call them keepers also known as the strongest people because the have to strong to hold werewolves and I'm not the only one here or the only creature. There's kanimas basically lizards with boney tails and venom that's on the bones. There's also bancheeses,hybrids,etc.
The cells floor was cold and moist and it smelled like rust and  chemicals. " alright to the showers." Said the keeper we all went through the same routine wake up at 5:30 start a work out 6:05 is breakfast 7:40 it's back to cell for three hours 10:30 is brain washing 11:00 is were we get injected with wolf's bane 50ml with and half inch needle our left for arm. 12:00 is lunch is raw deer meat they treat us like monsters and frankly I'm not. 1:00 is showers which is now we walk silently to the shower room if we aren't silent we will get a drug that makes us not want to talk and your stuck inside your head. The hallways are filled with silence and the smell of blood and bleach run through the halls and assult my noes. Every day I think of the day I will get out and I will see alex but so far it looks like that day won't come. We get to the showers were all the silence vanishes
Were you hear nothing but the water slowly dripping down. The smell of cheap soap they buy to help us smell better but they say you can't ever wash the smell of death away. I turned on the hot water but all there was is cold water it was so cold I couldn't move my toes. but all I thought of was alex I Rember the last shower we took together her warm body and her soft lips that kissed my neck and her warm hands and smooth skin that i have Been missing.
Now we head back and stay in our cells they bring us dinner is a bowl of water of course I lay in my hard not coution bed.i miss her sweet coconut smell in my own bed.

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