Cherry Tree

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        "I know your secret" James whispered into my ears as he spown me around, facing him. His deep ocean blue eyes stared deeply into my hazel, "you don't know a thing, your just a little boy who thinks he does" I half hissed half whispered.

A chuckle escaped as we danced around, he wen't for my as* and I punched him right in the stomach. "Your wife wouldn't like you doing that to other girls" I grinned as I watched him bent over holding onto his stomach, "well shes not here right now" he sat up but clearly still looked in pain, no hiding it.

"If she says it's okay toflirt and touch others then maybe. Maybe. But til then keep your hands off me" I turned around, flipped my hair and laughed my way off of the dance floor but James being as thick headed as always had to

   "Don't you know what 'no' means?" I stated as I walked faster, we made it to a hall were saddly we were to far away from the ball for anyone to hear us. He could kill me and get away with it.

  "You clearly want me yet you hide it?" he shrugged.

"If I wanted you dear boy, I would have taken you" I looked back to see him stilll following, "don't you get sick of that?"

"Of what my love?" he acted innocent in that sexy English accent.

"Oh just go and leave me be.." I quickle ran into the nearest room I could find, locked the door and walked back away from the door. Thinking I was safe I sat on what I thought was a chair. "D*mn dark" I cursed.

Even through I love the night right now it'd be nice for some light. "You can't run away forever Amanda" he banged on the door like his lie counted on it.

"Oh just go be with your life!-" I snapped back but he had to cut me off,

"engaged" he snapped.

"Whatever ever it's all the same" I waved his comment off.

       As it wen't quite for a while I got scared, faced with two quistoins, go near the door and see if his there or stay here in the dark. Eighter way I don't trust him. I groaned and gave him, heading near the door, "don't you try anything"

No reply..

"James?" I worriedly asked.

Still no reply.

"This isn't funny!"  I held my ear on the door and listened. Still nothing. "Jam-" I had no time to scream, the door opened and he pushed me into his arms. "Get off me!" I fought back with punches, kicks and even smacks. He lifted my head up by my chin. Light was shining through the window certains. "This is wrong..." I hated to state but I moaned that reply.

"Then why does it feel so right?" he whispered into my hair. I wanted him so bad, to hold him, touch him. Be with him. But his not mine. We're both engaged and the kingdoms would love to ruin our familys with this kind of drama. His hands ran down my body and all over, his touch made me feel good in ways I've never known,

  "Oh scr*w the kingdom!" I groaned as I wrapped my legs around him, "James" I kept moaning. He pushed me on what I saw I was sitting on just a moment ago to be a bed, he walked away for a moment leaving me feeling alonely. With a pount on my lips I undid my bra, dropping it to the floor. Now leaving me in only a black laced almost see through panties.

James walked back, shirtless and attacked my body with kisses, we both groaned this time. "Make love to me" the look of lust in his eyes had a hold of me and I wanted it like that.

"Are you sure?" he licked myneck then softly bit it, "yes I'm sure" I begged with my eyes as I ripped his pants off.


           I awoke feeling great with the sun shining on my face. It was a new day and even through I don't remember much of last night and my head was hurting I felt great. I turned to my side, waiting to greet someone when I opened my eyes and saw no one. I snapped up and looked around the room. "James?" was the first person I thought of to blame. "James?" I called out again louder this time, "James!!"

Then a voice hit me, "his not even hear so why call?" I knew he wasn't hear but I still wanted to see him. I got out of the king sided bed with black and purple sheets on them. I loved the dark brown wood texture on this canopy. It reminds me of the one I had as a child. I smiled.

Looking every where for my panties and bra I found them ripped and the poor bra was hanging on for it's life as it felt together by one string. "What happened last night?" I asked myself. I walked over to a dresser and looked through it. Thankfully I found a sewing kit. Thanks to my moms teachings I learned how to sew as a child. I easily fixed the bra but the panties were long gone. Oh well.

    After I was dressed I opened the door. Saw no one and wen't out. After a few halls I found the stairs leading down to the living room.

  "Miss Scarlett, your husband has work this morning but wishes he could see you off" a chubby butler bowed at a woman with long black hair, "oh that's all right, I know my James is busy" she grabbed her hat from the Butler, smiled then was out the door. The chubby butler saw me, I begged for him not to say a thing with my eyes.

   He nodded in agreement then turned, "shall I walk you to the car miss?"

"Oh could you?" Scarlett smiled warmly.

   I loved how nice she was with everyone even the help. James is lucky to have her yet he can't even see it. When the butler came back he looked up the stairs to me. If the miss had turned back she would of saw me and I would of been caught. Doing what I have no idea yet but I have a guess. Now all I need is to put it all together. "Is there a reason your coming down the stairs in a ripped dress and your hair in a mess nice Amanda?" he bowed as I walked down the stairs,

"I'd like to know that myself, is James still here?" I blushed.

"In his office, I'll have a new dress and break fest ready for you miss" he walked with me on our way to James office,

"Thank you. Oh and Miss Scarlett doesn't need to know, right?"

"It isn't my place to say anything to her. That is yours" we stopped at James office door and we said good byes as his butler walked away. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, "James?" I gasped,



        If you'd like to make me a cover it's welcomed ^_^ and yeahhh I'm back b*tches ;D

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