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Insecurities. We all have them, every single person in this world finds a flaw that just isn't as perfect as they think it should be.

Some of us, myself included. Stress on them harder then some who just look at it as something they can't fix and move on.

Me, I stare at it until that's all I see.

Skin not clear.

Teeth not straight.

Nose not the ideal of perfection.

The list goes on until I've taken every being of myself and watch as I turn it into something terrible.

I'm a walking mistake covered in flaws.

My biggest fear in life is not being good enough.

I feel like when people first meet me they can see everything that's wrong, because what can they possibly see that's good?

It's like I'm an addict and everyone knows my secret, can see right through me.

My walls are built high, but it just feels like a glass wall. You can see what's wrong but you can't get through. But why would you? Trust me the wall is not there to only protect me but to protect you as well.

You'll regret getting through once you do.

Give it time, if your too blind to not see all my secrets then you eventually will.

You'll leave with the wind, so fast and silent ill never see it comin.

I try to cover all of it up.

Make ups my best friend.

But what make up can't fix is the scars that have been left behind.

Scars that run to deep for make up to conceal. To deep for people to understand why they're there...

InsecuritiesWhere stories live. Discover now