Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru soU desu yo?

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English Title: Problem children are comming  from another world aren't they?

Type: Anime
Episodes: 10 (+1 OVA)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural

In a world where the fate of your community is determined by games and challenges, one community's luck has just run out. They are the No Names, stripped of everything right down to their identity. Kurousagi of the No Names decides to recruit some help, which arrives in the form of three children from other worlds. Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasukabe all possess great powers, and they all wind up in Kurousagi's world of Little Garden. Kurousagi hopes that the children will help her and her community climb back up the ranks and maybe even win their name back, but these helpers turn out to be problem children with minds of their own. They might help, if they decide to. Or they might go off and do things the way they think they should. What a nuisance! Using their skills and their wits, Izayoi, Asuka, and You must fight and outsmart their way through a series of challenges against other communities, with none other than Kurousagi serving as a judge. With no water or resources for the community, and a number of dangerous enemies, giving the No Names back their name might be the least of their problems...

Why do I recommend it?
Well the story was really amusing and intressting. The story is similar to No Game No Life but it was still kind of special because of the stress of saving the community.
also the fights are awesome :D
Different from NGNL are the games in Mondaiji they can be everything from normal card games to fights with gods (xD yep episode 2 guys)

But the anime mixed it with much comedy and some plottwists so that the fights won't get boring.
All the characters have different personallities(?) and are unique :3
well my fav character was Izayoi xD he's hot, strong and a genius ok? xDD (ok maybe to op)
to my last point:
Its not a fucking harem ok and only a bit fanservice sometimes because of kurousagi!
( ̄▽ ̄) its nice to watch an anime like that because literally ALL animes nowadays have fucking fanservice like guys pls the plot pls dont destroy it.

and something i didn't enjoyed:
izayoi was a bit too op and it got a bit bored _._ because i was like 'nah he's fine' all the time.

Hope you enjoy mondaiji and I could give you a good recommendation!
if there anything i could do better write me a message or comment :D


See you in next Chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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