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Finally here in California!!
I finish unloading the truck. I moved with my dad while my mom is in rehab for drugs. But my dad's a truck driver so Ill only see him once every 2 weeks. Ill basically live alone since he isn't home alot. I go put the boxes in my room. Which is upstairs. It's big. It is purple with a white carpet.
I get the rest inside my room. I hear the truck leave so I start unpacking. That's when I hear a cute girly laugh from outside. I look out my window to see a gorgeous girl in her pool swimming. I watch for a minute but then go and finish unpacking. Its around 6:30p.m. I hear a knock on the door so I run down stairs to get it. I open the door and see the girl I live behind still in her swim suit. "Hello." I say. "Hi, I'm Morgan White. I live infront of you." She says. "Kayla Harris." I reply smiling and then inviting her inside. She walks in and I offer her a drink. "No thank you." She says. I start talking to her and we end up talking for about 2 hours. She asks if I want to hang out sometime. I say yeah. After she leaves I get up and go to my room to get some rest. I wake up at 8a.m. and grab my cigarettes from my table. I walk out back and light one. Oh and I dont just smoke cigarettes I smoke weed too. I just dont have a hook up here yet. After I finish it I go to my room which I didn't mention yesterday but my room has a bathroom in it. I go in my bathroom and turn on the water. I adjust it and make it just right. I get undressed and jump in. I needed this so bad. The nice warm water falling down on my sexy naked body. I got all washed up and got out. I walked to grab clothes from my dresser. But I got distracted looking at Morgan. She's so sexy. I get a little carried away. I know that because she looks up at me so I pretended I was just walking by. I grab a pair of sweats, underwear, a shirt, and a bra. I get dressed and here a knock on the door. I run to answer it. I open it and see morgan "Hey Morgan what's up? " I ask. She just looks at me and smiles. As she walks in she walks me backwards to the arm of the couch and pushes me over it. She gets on me and says "You're sexier without clothes but you are sexy either way." She looks at me and smiles then lays on me. After 20 minutes Morgan says "Fuck im late, im late!" "Late for what?" I ask. "My drivers test is in 4 minutes." "Ill get you there." We hurry to my car and I start it. I back out and get driving. She tells me where we're going which is only 4 blocks away. I get there with her only being 2 minutes late. She goes in and they let her take the driving test. I go home and take a nap since its almost 10a.m and im tired from moving.. I wake up and its like 3p.m meaning I slept for 5 hours. I get out if my bed and grab a cigarette and go outside. I know Im young to be smoking but I have my dad buy them for me. He just says not in the house.
I light my cigarette and take a drag from it. After I finish it I put it in the can. As soon as I open the back door I hear a knock on the front door. I get excited hoping it was Morgan. Even though I just met her. I still really like this girl. Not as just a friend. I open the door to see Morgan all happy and jumping up and down. "I got it!!" she says showing me her license. I get all excited and invite her in. We start talking as we walk upstairs to my room. Once we get there she surprisingly push me on my bed out of no where. She jumped on top if me and started to kiss me.
We started to kiss rougher and rougher. After about 10 minutes she layed next to and we cuddled and kissed some more. Its 8:45 and we just finished dinner. She decided to stay over at my house. We started getting ready for bed and she went to walk downstairs. "Where are you going?" I ask. "To sleep on the couch." She replies. "Why not just stay up here and sleep in my bed with me?" "Well if you insist!" She smiles and comes by my bed. "I don't have anything comfortable to sleep in so is it alright if I sleep in just my sweats?" She asks. "Well duh, im sleeping in my panties so why would that matter?" I smile as she gets undressed. I take everything except my underwear off. We lay in bed and cuddle till we fall asleep.
-Morgan's P.O.V-
So kayla doesnt know this about me but im sorta those type of girls who are interested in like having accidents on purpose. Like Ill hold my pee and then go in my pants when I have to go really bad and the same goes for when I need to shit. Well even when I don't have to ill take something to make myself. I woke up before she did so I went to her bathroom to take my morning piss!! When I finish I grab some toilet paper and wipe myself. I pull my sweats up and write Kayla a note - Dear Kayla, I had to go run a few errands, ill be back in a little while.
Call or text me.
Love Morgan-
I run home and grab a drink adding laxatives to it. I live alone so I do whatever. After I chug the drink knowing I added more than just one dose. I run to my room and grab a pair of white panties. I change into them and only wear them.
Then I wait for the laxatives to take full effect.
As soon as I start feeling the urge to poop I wait for it to get really bad. When it does I try to hold it as long as I can. I sit a chair in my kitchen. I try and hold it but I start trying to push it out.
The chair is what's holding it in me. But once it started to get really really bad I got up to walk to my room and when I stood up it had all come out of me. I had just shit myself. Honestly it felt amazing. I needed this.

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