Why me? Part 1 matthew espinosa imagine

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Your pov.
I sat there tired, dazed, depressed, and over all confused. For the past two and a half months my boyfriend of three years had been coming home way past mid-night, when I know full well his work ends at nine. Currently it's one am and Im starting to cry with thoughts of maybe he's cheating on me. No. Just no. He wouldn't do that. Would he? Suddenly I'm jolted back to reality when I hear the front slam with unspeakable force.
I get up off the couch that I was practically sobbing on, only to see Matt tipsy and drunk over every ledge on this earth.

Y- "where were you tonight?" I asked stifling tears that threatened to spill
M- " NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS SLUT" he Snapped causing me to jump back by his harsh tone.
I suddenly gained confidence that was soon going to cause a problem.
Y- " so you couldn't have called so I didn't wait up? Or is that to much to ask of a drunk?" I snap back only to feel a sharp pain in my wrists.
M- " DONT you EVER talk to me like that again!!" He says holding me against the wall.
Y-" Matthew....stop yo-your hurting m-me!" I say now sobbing
M- " i don't care" he says with no emotion before slapping me hard and letting go of my wrists.

I slide down the way sobbing as I hold my now fire red cheek. Matthew then sobers up once he realizes what happened. "B-baby girl.. I-i didn't m-mean t-" I cut him off my getting up as fast as I could. As he approached me I jumped back and pushed my self closer to the wall, almost becoming a part of it. " A-are you...s-scared of m-me?" Matt asked now in tears. I didn't say anything, just ran up the stairs into our room, locking the door. I could hear Matt yelling out "baby girl" and "Y/N". But I just jumped onto the bed and cried into the pillows and held my picture frame with a picture of Matt and I on of three year anniversary. I quickly threw the picture frame, hearing the glass break into hundreds of shattered pieces, just like my heart. Soon everything went fuzzy and then black as I fell onto the carpet.

Matts pov:
What did I do? How could I be so stupid? I thought to myself as I ran the full way up the stairs yelling and screaming out Y/N name. Once at the door I found it to be Locked. I heard sobbing. I promised her I would never hurt her, ever. Now look what I did. My thoughts were cut short when I heard a loud scream and glass shatter, along with a loud thud. That's when I took action knowing something wasn't right.
"Baby girl open the door!!" I yelled as my voice cracked.
"Y/N, come baby open the door, please." I said pounding on the door with my fists. " ok, baby if your near the door move, I coming in!!!" I shouted ramming all my weight into it causing to to snap. Once in I saw glass everywhere, and with the pile was our three year anniversary picture. I looked to my left an my whole world stopped. There laid my precious baby girl, completely unconscious. "BABY, COME ON STAY WITH ME!!" I pleaded as I rocked her in my arms. I finally found her pulse and found her breathing rhythm. I looked closer
And saw the hand imprint i made, gingerly caressed it with the back of my finger. I started crying and whispered into her ear" I'm so sorry baby girl, i never ever ment to hurt you, I'll make up to you."

I ever so carefully got up carrying her bridal style to the bed, running to the bathroom to grab pain relief, a cold wash cloth, and To the kitchen to grab water. Once in the back into the room I set all my items on the dresser and swept the glass up in a matter of seconds. I finally finished that and crawled into bed next to Y/N. I moved her slightly so he upper body was on my chest and began to run the wash cloth along her face as she slept. I nuzzled my chin in her hair and with my free hand cradled her waist.

I stayed like this all night making sure to never hurt her ever again, that's a promise. Now I just wait for her to wake up. I quietly said into her ear " we will make this work baby girl, we always have and always will" and nodded off with her tightly tucked
Into my chest.

Part2 coming soon. Hope you guys liked it so far. Love you all .
Enjoy your reading- Jennessa❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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