Part 1: Prologue

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"He is so dreamy." shrini said to raghu. It was 2am and shrini was talking to raghu her best friend. They had been talking for 2 hours now and 7 was now at that time of the night where the filters between her mind and mouth stopped working.with one hand holding her phone and other hugging the pillow close to her chest. she was pouring her heart out to raghu about how she was falling head over hills in love with the boy next door literally.
"every guy but me is dreamy to you shri. Dont get involved with that douche. As i wont buy you long sleeved t shirts to hide your cuts this time" said raghu. Now raghu was not one of those guys who was secretly in love with his best girlfriend. He really cared about her and wanted her to be happy. He was that guy who instead of buying her cigrattes gave his friend an hour long lecture about how smoking could damage her health.And warned her that she will lose him as friends if she touched it again and that was the only threat which scared the stubborn shrini.
"you know you wont need to this time. because he is a gentleman. he would never do anything to hurt me. and i know this is crazy but he might be the one." said shrini falling slowly asleep now.
"oh is he now. well then why shouldnt we book a banquet hall and the dresses. man so much to do."
"shut up! if u dont trust him that doesnt stops me from anything. you prefer blues and i black. it on the table door"
"yeah. your done for today. go to sleep. your brain is shutting down shri" said raghu and hang up the phone. raghu was now really worried for his best friend .She was 21 years old with the reasoning and heart of a 16 year old. She had been cheated 3 times in love but still fell in love so easily.

on the other hand raghu had been in love with just one girl since he was in grade 6. It was the short and big brown eyed saloni kelkar. They were in a relationship for 6 months, thanks to shrini's constant pushing , raghu asked saloni out when he was in 12th standard. But after the demise of raghus sister he broke up with saloni. when shrini threatened that if he didnt told her the reason why they broke up she would cut her wrist , raghu revealed that he did not had the emotional strength to be in any sort of relationship and saloni needed a lot of emotional attention. He even said to shrini to stay away from him. when after constant trying raghu refused to talk to shrini she actually cut her wrist. luckily she was saved. When raghu came to see her in the hospital his eyes were as red as it was possible. He sat next to shrinis bed and said in a very low and sharp voice.
" If you do anything like this ever again. i swear to god...." he didnt need to complete the sentence. His voice and expressions were enough to scare the wits out of shrini. Shrini got better over time and more than her Raghu improved. Shrini was there with him constantly through phone, emails, random visits. she didnt left him alone fearing he might miss his sister too much and shed tears. For Shrini worst of her worse nightmare where Raghu crying. she had known him all his ife but never ever saw him crying. He didnt cry when he failed 2nd standard. He didnt cried when he got slapped by his father for lying about his results declaration in 4th standard. He didnt cry when his was beaten up by the bullies of 9th standard when he was in 6th grade. He had bruises and cuts all over his body and it was beyond his parents understanding why wont he reveal who the bullies where. He didnt cry when he caught saloni kissing a senior in the back seats of the school bus when he was in 10th standard.
But on his sister death Shrini saw him howling like a child. It was unbearble for her. she was angry at god and much more angry at his sister for ending her life and causing Raghu so much pain.
That day she willed to herself that she would do whatever it takes but would make sure he never cries.

Raghu on the other hand was pushing shrini away because he thought that he was full of negative energy. He feared that his constant company would make Shrini like himself, a suicidal. but after Shrini cut her wrist he figured she already is too far gone on the menatally retarded scale. so he gave in. although sometimes Shrini bored him with her rambling, he never denied her of his comany. Because every second he feared she might hurt herself. so every second he spent with her he was to make sure she was okay. and she to make sure he didnt cried over his sister or cries period.

Such was their friendship
(to be continued.....)

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