Part 1/ Chapter 1

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Hey there! My name is.... Well it doesn't matter all you need to know is I'm a mysterious omnipotent presence that sees everything that occurs in Hayden city. Hayden city contains a massive amount of crime, paranormal activity, and well... magic. Out of necessity a team of crime stoppers has developed to get rid of it all. These stoppers don't ride around in a hippy van though, they have powers and superior intelligent dogs. They run around in powerful suits, well two of them do, and investigate insidious activity. Their official headquarters are located in central Hayden in a small office. There are 4 members including a large rottweiler named Phantom, a greyhound named Gem, and the two heroes are Theresa and Andrew. Our two heroes have special abilities. Theresa much like a ghost, can walk through walls and basically anything else solid. She can also run at superhuman speeds. Andrew has the power to create and control stars with his bare hands. They act much like explosives when either thrown or shot from the canons on the arms of his suit. He can also create force fields to protect himself and Theresa. All other abilities they have they get from their suits. Their suits are designed for speed and dexterity so they are not very armored. Theresa's suit is orange as a base color covered in black on the chest with a green and blue H in the middle. Her legs are covered in blue with green tints on the sides. Andrew's suit is black as a base color with a blue chest and a white H in the middle. Both masks are designed with a small opening at the mouth and two patches over their eyes. They wear goggles which enable them to see heat signals to sense nearby enemies. Oh I guess I should mention the two are also a couple... in other words they work together flawlessly. Well I guess I've bored you long enough as for superhero names and all that you'll have to figure that out on your own, I mean come on what kind of story would this be if you didn't work for the details? Man I just sounded really lazy didn't I? Oh well, I don't really care. Well everyone let's get to the story.

It was probably about 12am when a weird creature broke into the Hayden city reserve bank. He had no problems firing through the glass doors with a huge block of ice. The ice flew out of a cannon which seemed to be the creature's arm. He burned a large hole in the reserve's main vault. Stepping through the creature stared around looking for the currency. Instead of taking it however this moron starts burning it... Come on I could use some of that. Well that's when they appeared the two heroes hiding in the rafters of the bank. They jumped down from their perches sneaking to the edges of the vault. Peeking in the creature instinctively fired an ice block through the doorway and blew both of them back through to the lobby if the bank. The phantoms quickly retreated to their perch. "He seems to be able to fire cold and hot elements. His head is also encased but I'm not sure what makes him so powerful" Gem stated in our heroes' earpieces. "One cannon fires ice the other is just a flamethrower" Theresa interjected. "Affirmative maybe his pack is what heats and cools the elements" Phantom suggested. " Unlikely that system must be separate" Andrew stated. Their conversation was interrupted by a large block of ice being sent toward our heroes. To be honest I'm not sure of their super names maybe I don't know all. Wait! Andrew is known as Cimmer and Theresa is.... Glimmer. Anyways back to the story. Our heroes were sent flying from their perch and to the floor, however they landed gracefully. As quickly as they came into the creature's view they disappeared again. The creature observing suddenly found himself on the raw end of a kick to the face from both of them. He stumbled back into the wall while his bag flew to the other end of the lobby. "Try attacking the pack now" Phantom suggested in their earpieces. Both of them jumped on the creature in his lain out state. They got a grip on the pack when suddenly the creature shot fire at both of them, forcing them to retreat. The creature then jumped up and attempted to leave. Glimmer however phased through him and fired a punch to his chest. Stunned the created stumbled into a fired star from Cimmer. The shot blew the creature through the lobby doors. The creature seemed to be clinging to consciousness when he suddenly fired ice at the roof above forcing a barrier between himself and our heroes. Stumbling, the creature fled the bank.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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