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"I never let my schooling interfere with my education." ("It is said that a child educated only in school is an uneducated child")

"They would rather reposition themselves on the nail than get up. In other words most people want relief not a cure. And that is why most people won't change."

"[During] my whole life people have been telling me to be realistic. Is that a real job? Are you being realistic? Listen. Realists don't start computer companies. Realists don't fight for equal rights in a time when discrimination is the norm. Realists don't get cut from their high school varsity team and go on to become the best basketball players in the world. Ever. Realists don't do that. Crazy mofos do. And you gotta be a little crazy if you wanna be successful. So don't ever tell me to be realistic. I refuse to accept the reality I was given. I'd much rather create my own."

"You ever wondered why you're feeling negative or angry. It's because your input determines you output...the b-s that you hear from the people that you hang out with. It rubs off on you. Everybody talks about GMOs ("stay away from GMOs") well stay away from the human GMOs: the greedy, the miserable, the obnoxious. These people are toxic: they drain you, they complain, they remind you of your mistakes, they tear you down, they gossip, they aren't there for you when you need them. But these aren't necessarily evil people. They're just trapped in a cycle themselves but that's their problem not yours. You can't fix them. You have to fix yourself and become an example for them. So politely give yourself some space from these people or else you're just gonna end up just like them. If you keep hanging out with losers you're gonna wind up, picking up the qualities of a loser. Hang out with people that encourage you and empower you to become the best version of yourself. You deserve that. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be you. So figure out what you want out of life because you're gonna be the only one with you for the rest of it. Life is short. And as a wise woman once said: "Fake friends, negative friends... ain't nobody got time for dat."
"Birds of a feather flock together. And do you know what type of bird flocks together? Pigeons do. Eagles don't flock. So are you a pigeon or an eagle? Do you wanna flock or do you wanna soar high into the skies? Well if you wanna soar you might have to step away from where you are so that you can become who you were meant to be."
"How can you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That's all you have to figure out...I can tell you from experience that the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is...Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don't let anything stand in the way of that light that shines through you. Risk being seen in all of your glory."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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