Chapter 1.A flashback

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"Yeah?"A tired grunt could be heard from underneath the covers.Two young girls were at a sleepover.These are the two main characters: Emma and Faye.Emma is the oldest by 3 months and a day.
"Wake up!!"Faye tried to wake Emma by shaking her.Eventually,she gave in and both girls were tiredly trudging down the stairs of the Belworth family's home.Side note: Faye is Faye Belworth and Emma is Emma Gibson.
"Morning!"Faye's mother was always happy.Whether she was tired or not,she was never found with a frown on her face.Emma slid on a chair and yawned.

Mrs. Brownlow opened the door and 30 budding children sat up in their chairs.It was 9:00 in the morning.School."Good morning children."
"Good mo-rn-ing mi-ss Br-ow-nl-ow."Young voices echoed.
Science didn't seem to end.But,finally,the last bell rang."Home!!"A loud bang of chatter threw itself off the walls of the classroom as everyone scattered around the cloakroom to get their possessions before leaving for the weekend."Freedom!" Emma and Faye giggled simultaneously."Race ya'"Although Faye was the youngest of the two,she was an amazing runner.From the two,Emma could sing, and often posted covers on YouTube with over 1,000 subscribers.Faye,however, was a sporting genius.With the ability to do anything involving challenge,she was a very competitive person,looked up to by her little sister Lucie.

This is it for this chapter!Read on to find out about Emma and Faye when it hits summertime!
Love, LunaFairry_

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