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Introductions are the hardest part
Your always told that first impressions are everything
So you're scared to be entirely yourself
You're scared that no one will like you if you say something you would normally say
And you're scared that you'll do something that you wouldn't normally do

Introductions are the hardest part
Scared to be visible and scared to be too visible
Scared to be yourself and scared to be someone else
Scared to be quiet and scared to be loud
Scared to be you when you're around people that don't know who "you" is

Introductions are the hardest part
What are you even supposed to say?
"Hi, my name isn't really Alice, but call me that anyway!"
Or "My favorite color is red, blue, purple, black, green, and so on."
Maybe even a simple "Hi there, nice to meet you."

Introductions are the hardest part
You don't even know anyone's interests
How do you even start a conversation?
"Hi, I want to be friends, let's talk about things!"
Even online

Introductions are the hardest part

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