The Teddy Bear Effect

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The Teddy Bear Effect

My name is Ted Rider, this is my story of the Teddy Bear Effect. Have you ever wondered, why children were afraid of monsters and why children were never attacked by a big, ugly, gross monster?

Well this story I'm about to tell you will give you the answers you are looking for.

I will start from the beginning, I was made in England in 1902. A man named Jack Holmes, he created me to protect the children of the world. You might ask why or what from, I say from the creatures that live under your bed, in your closet, or anywhere you suspect.

I was created with Courage, Bravery, and Agility. Sometimes us Teddy Bears work together sometimes we work solo, to stop evil from harming the children of the future to come. We might be rough on the outside but we can also be gentle, kind, loving and understanding. I protected 2 kids before but this one girl will change the way we fight for the love for the future.

"Adeline Monroe!"

Adeline's father came down to the Pawn shop, were I was placed after I helped a little boy. Adeline's father picked me out for her, because he always went on business trips so he thought why not get her a friend to keep her company. Adeline was only 6 years old, she had blond curly hair that went to the middle of her back, and big blue eyes, and a smile that could brighten up anyone's day, the one thing that caught my eye when I saw her was that she had a huge scar right above her left eye which the damage made her left eye silver. It came all the way down to her cheek. She so excited to see me, as soon as she held me close to her heart I knew this girl has seen a beast of great magnitude.

She ran upstairs with me to her room and slammed the door behind her she dressed me up as a prince and we had a tea party, and even jumped on the bed. After all of that her father walked in the room and told her its time to go to bed, she said just a little bit longer but her father insisted to go to bed so she went and got her pajamas on and brushed her teeth and raced back. She picked me up and took me to her bed. The dad came in and read her a bed time story, and turned her  night light on and closed the door slowly.

I stayed up for three hours looking and watching for anything, I then stood up and walked around the room to see if there was any clues of a monster being in the room I checked the drawers, the closet everywhere but then I heard a noise, then a growl, then I realized I didn't check one place, under bed!

I walked over to the bed as slowly as I could, I climbed over the tea cups and the dress up clothes. I finally reach the bed and I hear a hissing under the bed. I go to pull the drape covering the beast. To be continued!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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