Here it Comes Hoes

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     Loud. Everything is loud. Nothing feels sacred anymore and everything is loud. Glass shattering, screaming and yelling, saying that you're right and I'm wrong, cheating, and worst of all.... noise. Too much of it.

     Arguments frequently happen between the two boys and every new argument is all the more reason for half of them to think they should leave but at the same time, stay. Constantly bickering and crying was a lot for someone like Yamaguchi Tadashi being the fragile and sensitive person he was. He hated to fight and knowing that it was "his fault" made him feel all the worst things possible. His saviour was hitting him and yelling at him but he felt like he deserved it. He was too forgiving and gave too many apologies for things he had no control of. He didn't feel like it though; he truly felt like everything that happened to him was rightfully deserved and almost thanked Tsukishima Kei for it.

     " What the hell is wrong with you? You're acting as if I'm the bad guy," the blond half-yelled," it's your fault for walking in. I keep telling you that whenever my door is shut, it's shut for a reason and you had no business looking in."

     " I-I was just wondering if you were okay and you're right; you're always right Tsukki," Yamaguchi explained albeit rather pathetically, " You're right I had no business going into our room when you told me over and over again not to enter while the door is shut."

     The freckled boy opened his mouth slightly as if to say an apology when something sharp had stung him in his stomach area. He fell to the floor coughing and trying to catch his breath. The punch was harder this arguement. He was used to be being hit but this was just like a bullet going through him. The world was going all dizzy and Yamaguchi's vision became blurry.

     Tsukishima crouched down to see Yamaguchi in a rather vulnerable position. He lifted Yamaguchi's head off the floor by his hair, " You're pathetic and have no idea how to fight back. You should be grateful I'm teaching you things or even being with you in the first place."

     " Y-you're absolutely r-right... I-I have no idea how to f-fight my own battles. I'm so happy that y-you're still with me and that you hit me to show how much y-you c-care about m-me..." Yamaguchi felt like he had enough strength to sit up, so he did. Tsukishima lifted Yamaguchi's chin to face him as he gave him a kiss.

     This kiss however was very odd and didn't feel right. The kiss felt like it didn't mean anything. Kei didn't kiss him like he usually did and it felt strange. He didn't smell like his regular self either. He had a very faint but still distinct scent of some kind of cologne. Yamaguchi had smelled something similar to this when accidentally crossing paths with a Nekoma team member.

     Tsukishima broke the kiss and Yamaguchi felt dazed, still having his eyes closed. Opening them slightly, he could see something coming towards his face. It was unsure what was actually going near him but before he had time to think about it, he was knocked down to the floor once again. The same sharp pain now on his face holding it and feeling a warm liquid dripping from it. Realizing that it was blood another hit made contact with the fragile boy's skin. This was an even greater force than before. An extremely painful feeling made its way down to Yamaguchi's lung area  and once again, he was coughing. But the coughing was more violent and he felt something come up his throat. He vomited out something red, he was unsure of what it really was but subconsciously, he knew exactly what it was. It was his own blood. Tsukishima Kei, the boy who made Yamaguchi Tadashi feel like he was the most important thing in the world, had made him throw up his blood.

     Tsukishima stood up and glanced at the boy struggling to keep the pains at a low. A small "tch" could be heard from his mouth and he walked away. Going to the shared room he and Yamaguchi shared he decided to look back at the boy in a pool of his own blood.

     The two made eye contact and a small,

     " I'm sorry, Tsukki"

was heard before Yamaguchi's head fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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