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My skin shivered as sea water splashed my arms and face from it crashing against the rusted boat.The boat rocked back and forth with its increasingly amount of power. The water looked dark and grey just as the sky.I admit the saturation of the sky and sea made me weary but my face didn't let on that I was tormented about the fact.I gripped the railed and closed my eyes and focused my thoughts on the smell of the sea.It was salty and fresh with a hint of fish.My mind was then distracted with the sound of boots hitting the old wood boards coming my way.
"you ok there?"questioned a sailor in Russian
"If I didn't know any better I say you might want to jump into the sea."
"It's quite the opposite," I muttered in Russian.
I opened my eyes to see a patch of green. " We sure got to America fast," I thought.
"What's that over the horizon?" The sailor says in English.
"Land," I answered.
With that I hear him run yelling in Russian "land ahead"
Soon sailors and passengers came rushing through to see the island.I was pushed out of my spot to the back of the crowd.i didn't see the big deal until I realized that America wasn't an island.
"Do you see that an island!"
" It don't show an island on the map"
"How is even possible!"
Everyone was gossiping and arguing about the island we were sailing closer to. The caption comes out and address everyone to be quiet.The ship was very diverse with people of all types of race and religion. This boat picked up people from all over to just get to America home of the free. I am originally from Africa but raised in America. Me and my brother was shipped to America by our mother due to the troubles happening in Africa. I was only eighteen while my brother was twenty two He was able to care for me but life wasn't easy especially being a women of my color but it was better than seeing your own people turn on you. I now help people into America legally. I travel all over the world helping people in district countries ether trying to get them out or simply help as much as can. With the horrors I seen through out the world my heart can only take so much but the satisfaction of helping people get to New York to register as an American was my goal. America is corrupted but it do shares a home to outsiders. Its now 1910 and I try my hardest to help. I have learned many languages such as Russian,Spanish,Polish,Dutch and many more. Learning A new language just makes me feel more connected to the world and people.
The caption pushes through the front of the crowd and announces we will go around d the island but at those words dark clouds and loud booms of what seemed like horns echoed through out the sky.out of know where it started to pour and wind from every direction began to rush through the air. Screams began to go off and people running as the boat rocks back and forth harshly.
"Calm down everyone it's fine!" So says the caption but at his words a wave bigger than buildings I seen in New York comes rushing our way.people begin to jump off the boat and run like chickens with no heads.
"Everyone hold on!," I screamed.
The wave pushes the boat completely over with such force. All I could see was the boats wood board walk was now above me.people sinking to the bottom as some cling to anything they can find.I was between two large pipes that acted as like a cage.as I tried to push my self out I seen something fast swim in front of me. " what the hell was that"I thought. Then it raced past me again and grabs the sailor from before with its large jaw. I screamed but of course who could hear me under water. It crushed him in two and ate him whole.people tried swimming for there life but it caught them.Every last one. I was running low on oxygen but I knew it was a death wish coming if I swam out but a death wish staying here. I look around and part of the ships wreckage was a poke like spear. At this moment it seems instinct began to take over. I pushed out the thick poles and race to the Metal like pole. I knew I would regret it but I looked back and the monster was behind me. It's large front horns were curved upwards away from its face.it thick green grey dirty fur was that of a bear soon looked as if it was pushing into its body. I turn back again and the hair was gone and replaced with a scale like skin. It was swimming even faster. It's large mouth was open ready to catch me in its locks. It had about six legs and a long tail that helps it swim. I put my attention on the rail like spear and turn my body around ready for the next step. With nearly no oxygen left in my lungs I push my self towards the creature as it swam towards me. My spear aimed at its head as it jaws set for my body.

I took the spear and pierced it through the top of its head coming out at the bottom of its jaw.its eyes widen as they rolled to the back of its head.black substance that I assume was its blood came gushing out.as it sinked it's tail wrapped around my waist pulling me down to the Black abyss. At this moment I was out of air and I soon too had my eyes roll to the back of my head. I let the darkness take me.

Dark tidesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang