Sticks and Stones

183 15 13

Sticks and stones may break my bones,

But words will leave a scar,

They think they're joking around,

Don't realise they've gone to far.

It can only take a word,

For someone to crack,

To break completly,

No turning back.

They called her fat,

She starved herself,

Didn't care about her,

Happiness or health.

They called him ugly,

He slashed his wrists,

Didn't realise that,

He'd be missed.

For this reason,

She cries herself to sleep,

Because of this,

He cut too deep.

Words can effect people,

More than you think,

They can cause tears to fall,

And cause hearts to sink.

But to the bullies,

It's all fun and games,

They don't have to deal,

With the broken remains.

They don't have to be there,

To pick up the peices,

Of there loved one, there friend,

There brothers, there neices.

The bullies words and actions,

Can ruin lives,

How hard is it,

To just be nice?

To smile at someone,

Brighten there day,

Be kind and polite,

To whatever they say.

That one smile,

Might keep someone alive,

Being kind and supportive,

Could make them want to survive.

So next time you see,

Someone looking sad,

Don't be horrible,

Don't act mad.

Just act friendly,

Supportive and nice,

You never know,

You might save there live.


I feel terrible for not posting anything in ages please forgive meee. I only write when I'm feeling extremely bad so I guess it was kind of good(ish) I didn't write for a couple of months. Anywaaaay vote, comment, fan maybe please? *charming smile* :) ~ Anna

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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