My Forever

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  • Gewidmet Everyone who has ever lost the one


Hey there Wattpadians! This is my second book. Hopefully, it's a keeper. Remember to always give feedback, I can handle it. Please enjoy my book and if you like it, tell your family, friends, mistress, teacher, WHOEVER!!!! Just remember that I love my fans and update very often. This is a short that I wanted to write awhile back and I'm FINALLY getting to it. Enough of my stupidity, on with the show!


Dear Delilah,

You said you'd always be here for me. You said that I was you're favorite person in your screwed up story line that you called a life. You left me, D. You forgot me. You ripped my heart out in broad daylight.  Remember that day on the beach? Probably not. It was two years ago. You were wearing that gorgeous little blue dress. You had your blonde hair in waves. We spent the day together, laughing and loving life. Want to know why I remember that day? Because that was the day you said you loved me. You looked like you meant it too. That was also the day I said it back. That was the day we first kissed. You said you felt "fireworks". Do you realize how you made me feel? I guess not, 'cause the next week, you left me. You said that "I was holding you back". Now tell me this. Did you really think that? Or did he tell you to say that. 'He' being the man you left me for. 'He' being the guy who dragged you to California. In the end, I got burned and the reason why I'm talking to you for the first time in two years is because I miss you. Not the 'new' you. The old you. The one that was my best friend since pre-k. The one that was my first kiss. The one that I lost my, as you so elegantly put it, v-card to. The one that I fell in love with. Come back home, please.

Forever Yours,


The letter shook in my hand as my body trembled in pain. Tears sprung in my eyes as I re-read the letter. Samson was my best friend and my first boyfriend. My mom thought we would always be together. So did I. Until I made one stupid mistake. The night that I cheated on Samson, I got so hammered, the alcohol took over my body. The music pounding through the walls of my friend, Amy's house. I remember the dude sitting next to me. He had similar hair color to Samson, which was black. But Samson's was jet black and beautiful. This guy's hair was kind of dull in comparison. His eyes were a dark brown, unlike Samson's beautiful deep chocolate brown. But with the liquor and pot I was puffing on, I couldn't tell the difference. Of course, I can't blame all my problems on the booze or drugs. It was always my fault. But when I was young, I was so ignorant. My home life, which included a drunk of a father, a drop-out druggie brother, and a dead mother, never really helped. In fact, it made me worse. I left because of them. Because I saw what Samson was. I knew I was probably the worst excuse of a girlfriend, so I made up an excuse to give up the best thing in my life, before I destroyed it myself. So yes, I did sleep with who I call 'Knock-off Sammi'. Samson didn't deserve me. No one did. So I made him a reason to dump me. Sammi, being the good, innocent soul that he was, felt so betrayed. He got drunk and decided to drive, which ended with him crashing into a tree and sending an entire family from Scottsdale to the hospital. When I realized how much pain I had caused him, I left. I had to get out to be free. But, no, my problems followed me to Cali. I figured that out when I was found by police officers in a ditch near the strip bar that I worked at. Apparently, I had overdosed and walked away. I felt that the envelope had more in it. I shook out it's remaining items. Inside was an old picture of us, which looked like ti had been ripped in half, but tapped back together. The other object made me want to hang myself right on the spot. The other photo was of a person who was deathly ill, yet still had a bit of light in his eyes, showing he was still alive. It took me a mili-second to realize it was Samson. The bottom of it read "3rd-stage". I picked up the phone and dialed his cell.

"Hello?" A voice barely above a whisper answered.

"Sammi?" I choked out.

"Delilah?" The raspy voice answered.

"I love you." I told him.

+~+~++~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~END OF FLASHBACK++~+~+~+~~+~+~~+~+~

I had been standing on the same spot on the barren beach for about three hours. I stood there with the November breeze hitting my face, but I could care less. The pain in my heart tore my up from the inside out. He was gone. My best friend. My lover. My forever. He left last month. Since then, I had been in my old room, only drinking water to go by. This was the first time outside in a long time. I had already cried myself out. The rest of my tears frozen to my face. I sat on the cold sand and slipped off my heavy coat. This might sound weird, but it actually felt warmer without it. I sighed and slipped off my extra large T-shirt. I pulled off my leggings and laid back onto the sand. All I had on was Samson's old shirt. His sweet, citrus scent still lingered on it. I looked up over the horizon and have never felt warmer before, even though it was 25 degrees Fahrenheit. I smiled and stood up, the chilly early winter winds seeming to avoid my bare body. I stepped to the water's edge. It brushed against my toes, feeling like an icy fire nibbling at my feet. I stepped deeper and deeper, letting the ocean take me. I slipped under and opened my eyes. And I saw him. Standing in full glory, with his signature smirk balanced ever so lightly on his beautiful face. He'd never looked better. I smiled back at him. He held out his hand beckoned me to him. He held out his hand and I took it without hesitation. He nodded his head behind him and I saw a glorious, bright light. I felt nervous, but when I looked into it, I felt so happy and light as a feather. We walked together into an eternity.


What y'all think? I thought it was pretty cool. Anyhoodle, just a sad, depressing short by yours truly.

Until next time,


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