Chapter one

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"oh my god I got in I really got in."

"come on Esperanza you know you were going to get in your a great dancer."

"no I didn't but thanks for saying I am good and hey I bet when you check your mail maybe you got in you never know Lilly."

"I think I got in I don't know but me and Daren already talked about it bur know he doesn't have time to talk but when I ask him to come see me dance man his eyes light up like the stars in the sky."

"come on Lilly I don't want to hear about you giving a lap dance for your boyfriend plus boys only want one thing and that's sex and drugs so ill pass plus he blow's you off all the time you don't know is he cheated on you a 100 times and you don't know just don't want you to get hurt plus you don't need him your ok your perfect without him you just don't know."

"come on he never talks about you and you always talk about him that's mean girl ,just because Liam......."

"don't bring up Liam he's not worth it he just a jerk that belongs in jail, so I think I rest my case and btw he's cheating on you with amber."

"you might be right but I love him and I am not going to get mad case I brought up the past and I am sorry but can we look at the further and not the past come on you got in the best collage ever and your still worried about who is not good enough for me and I am  so done with it but if you need a ride to the collage and I got in than I can give you a ride so lets forget about this!"

"I think this is my stop I need to tell my mom that I got in I know she is not going to be happy but I don't care."

"Mom I am home I need to talk to you very badly."

"Coming what do you want to talk about?"

"I got in the best collage ever and I it's only 3 days away how cool is that?"

"it's so cool but your going to collage here so kiss that dream goodbye you will stay here I don't trust you and Lilly called and said she got in she said she'll take you and I said hell no so thank you very much."

"mom I am not going to let you take me down like you did to dad so I think you can stop talking now and go away I am packing up and leaving tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it !"

"young lady just wait for you dad to get here your not going no where I am going to wake up earlier than you and make sure you don't go anywhere I said you staying and I mean it so don't think about going nowhere !"

"you think you can stop me you got another thing coming, I am calling my dad right now and tell him your being a female dog!"

[*phone beeps*]

L-Hey do you still want me too pick you up in the morning or do you won't to stay the night.

E-I want to stay the night so you can pick me up."

L-Ok I will be there in ten minutes.

oh no I got ten minutes to pack now lets do a check ok toothbrush, toothpaste ,floss ,brush, and shirts, skirts, socks, dress, legging's, and poster's.

L-Hey I am here are you ready?

E-I am on my way.

I am happy that Lilly asked if I could stay the night now I don't have to worry about mom hopefully she is not in the kitchen .and she is not yes time to go out the door and out yes she is not there I  made it Lilly is waiting for me so I should hurry!

--------------- tree days later ----------------------

I can't believe we finally arrived we been driving for tree whole days and were here,as we walked up I see a giant smile on lily's happy we both got in the same college we been really happy on the way here,as we walked in the building my eyes grew big the collage was huge!lily ran to the registration informer they talked for a few minutes than she left I walked up to the same person and talked,he gave me my room number and I left.

(*door opens*)

"hello is anybody here?" I asked but nobody answered

Well I guess I'm just gonna pick my bed,hmm I like this one it by a cute bay window and a kings sized and a light blue lamp and a dresser.I started to unpack I started in the bathroom and unpack than I made my bed than I folded my clothes and put it in my dresser.than I mop and swept my area,I checked the clock it was already midnight than I thought to myself were is my roommate maybe I don't have one.

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