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"Dammit, Mick!" Stevie shouted as she hung up the phone yet again. Mick was not picking up after his disastrous interview the other day. Probably ignoring me on purpose, she thought.

Feeling frustrated and furious, she needed to talk to someone. Searching through her mind, she contemplated one person in particular. They would understand, and would inevitably be on her side as well. They definitely were on her side when something similar happened a few years ago. Taking a deep breath, she dials the familiar number, one of the few that she actually has memorized. After a few rings she hears that distinctive voice.

"Hello? Stevie, is that you?" he asks.

"Yes it's me. I'm sure you've heard about Mick's article by now".

"Uhh yea about that I uh...I just wanted you to know I had no idea that was going to happen. Listen, Stevie, you know how I feel about the whole album issue...we've had the talk many times" he said, intentionally exaggerating his tone, causing her to chuckle lightly on the other end, before continuing, " and that hasn't changed, but that was uncalled for, him calling you out like that. I am sorry."

"Thank you, Lindsey. I have actually been trying to call him for the past three days to give him a piece of my mind but our idiot drummer is not answering his phone".

Clearing his throat, Lindsey responds hesitantly, "Umm well, I may have beaten you to that actually".

"Wait, Linds, what do you mean?" Stevie asks, confused.

"Well, when I read the article, I got mad and called him immediately to ask him what he thought he was doing. I guess after hearing how angry I was, he wasn't even going to bother taking your calls...sorry. Again."

Scrunching up his face in anticipation of her answer, he hoped she wasn't too mad. He had acted on impulse, sure. But only because he knew what her reaction to that article would be.

"You stood up for me? Lindsey, that's so nice. Thank you", she beamed.

Lindsey let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, "you're welcome. I know you could have taken him yourself but I figured I'd get a word or two in for the fun of it", he said, resulting in Stevie's signature cackle.

"Well he still has a few words coming from me. I am not letting him get off that easy", she scoffed.

"And I wouldn't expect any less", I'm just glad it's not me this time, he thought, but made sure to keep that thought inside his head.

After a moment of silence, Stevie became impulsive. "Hey Linds, what are you doing right now?"

"Umm I've been hanging out in the studio most of the day, working on some stuff. Why do you ask?" He was officially curious.

"Don't you mean the bunker?" she teased, giggling lightly.

Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, "yea yea, the bunker, that's right. I almost forgot about that. Listen, what were you gonna ask me before though?"

Hesitantly she answered, "Well I was just thinking, the sunset here is supposed to be absolutely stunning tonight. And I am at my condo so I have the perfect view, as you know. And uh, well I was wondering if you would want to come over." Talking under her breath she added, "it's been a long time since I've had some company."

Lindsey heard her though. He looked down and took a deep breath before responding, knowing that if there was even a morsel of pity in his response she would shut down. "I actually am free tonight, everyone seems to be out but me", he chuckled lightly. "Do you want me to be there in like an hour?" he asked.

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