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                      Hey!!! It's Kylie here! Before starting this random story, I would love if you can read my other books on my Wattpad profile. I also have two other profiles and I would love if you can follow them! You can find the profiles in my following bar! Now let's begin!

B.T.W.: This is definitely not suppose to offend anyone or anything! If anything seems rude or mean, leave a comment and I'll change it!

I LOVE Meghan Trainor so much! She loves her fans, meets up with her fans in hospitals, and so on. As awesome as she is, I've been noticing that her songs aren't that inspiring for younger girls. Sure, "All about That Bass" is telling people to not worry if they aren't skinny. But isn't that body- shaming thinner people? Not only that, but she is also saying that the only thing that matters is your behind, a.k.a. you butt. Right? It's all about that butt! Well anyway, I'm going to go through lyrics to different songs in each chapter! Hope you enjoy! :)

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