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(A/N): this gonna be a long prolouge..

Before every beginning, there is an ending. Scott never lived by this phrase. He thought that him and Mitch were meant to be together for the rest of their lives.

Maybe he had too much faith, or he was too confident, or both, but either way, he was wrong.

It was a lonely night. Scott was home by himself, sitting on his bed and staring out the window. It was pretty shitty outside; the forecast included thunderstorms and heavy downpour throughout the week. Scott did like the rain, since it gave him the need to give affection to his beloved, who wasn't home right now..

Scott glanced away from the window to check his phone, frowning when he saw that Mitch hadn't texted him. Mitch had gone out with a few friends earlier in the afternoon, before the storm came rolling out of nowhere. Scott, being so protective of him, naturally worried when it started raining, and he hoped that Mitch would at least tell him that he was alright, but there hadn't been a single peep.

Stifling a sigh, Scott looked back out the window. Hopefully, Mitch was alright..


Mitch let out a drunken giggle as he chugged down another shot. He had no idea that he'd be going to a club tonight, but how could he turn that down? It had been ages since he let loose. He would've told Scott that he would be out late, but he forgot his phone in one of the shops at the mall earlier.. no finding it in that giant place.

He flinched a bit when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders, but he relaxed when he saw that it was only his close friend (and crush), Axel. Axel was a tall drink of water. Eye candy. He had those dark green eyes, and midnight black hair that always looked gorgeous, and muscles. I'm not talking about subtle abs or pecs, he was ripped. Not to mention he had a badass tattoo sleeve.

"Think you had enough?" He asked, grinning. Oh, and let's not forget that deep voice with a hint of a European accent. Mitch giggled and shook his head.

"Oh please. Help me get wasted." Axel just laughed and ordered another round.

"Someone likes to keep going before they drop." Mitch shot him a wink as two more shots were placed in front of the two. Axel barely had time to bring the glass to his lips before Mitch chugged it, stumbling a bit. He giggled again when Axel's hand found the small of his back so he wouldn't fall. "And I think you're about to drop.."

"Naaahh.. I'm just getting started." Mitch pulled himself back to the counter, ignoring Axel's concerned look. It was practically seconds before Mitch was running to the bathrooms. Or, trying to run. Alcohol has quite the effect on mobility, you know?

A bit of time passed before he came back, tugging on Axel's arm. "Yeah, I think I had enough.." He mumbled in his ear. Axel just put a few bills on the counter before getting up and guiding Mitch out.


Scott woke up the next morning when he heard the toilet flush. He sat up with a slight frown. Did Mitch come home late? He sat there in silence, waiting to hear for anything else. He was shocked when he heard another voice.

"You're alright, Mitch.. just stay right here, okay baby?"

Baby?! Who was that calling him baby? Then he remembered who out of Mitch's friends had that European accent..

When Axel stepped out of the bathroom, a strong right hook landed right on his jaw. If Mitch hadn't gotten in the way, Scott would've easily ended him right there.

"Scott, what the fuck are you doing?! Axel, get out of here." He held Scott back as Axel scrambled off. Scott let out a huff and backed away.

"Why did he call you that? Why did he call you baby? Why didn't you answer me last night? And why are you so damn hungover?" Mitch held his hands up as the questions continued.

"God, will you shut up and let me talk?!" Silence. Mitch never told him to shut up.. "Thank you.. I lost my phone yesterday, and I didn't feel like cutting my fun day short. I went to a club last night and got wasted off my ass." Mitch stopped talking there.

"Mitch. Why is he talking to you like that? You know I.. wait.. what's that on your neck?" Scott took notice that Mitch kept trying to cover his neck, but a small blotch of purple peeked through his fingers.

"I-It's nothing.."

"Is that a damn hickey? Mitch, you had sex with Axel. What the hell?!"

"I can't help that you hate getting drunk or doing anything fun! I'm so lonely and you're so oblivious! I need a man who's not going to ignore me like you-"

"I've been ignoring you now? Name one time that I've ignored you and I'll agree." Mitch opened his mouth, but no words came out. Scott was already walking off. "Exactly. You're just saying anything to get you out of trouble. I'm going back to my place now, since I'm not enough."

"Scott, don't-"

"Don't what? I had an entire week off work next week so we could do everything together. Hell, I was planning on fucking proposing! I guess that's all gone to hell." He didn't look back as he slammed the door.

God, he was so stupid.. he truly wasn't good enough, was he? Axel looked about a million times better, and made Mitch happier.. maybe he'd be better off without Scott in his life.

Scott kept walking, and walking. He just followed the sidewalks, letting his feet take him around the city. He eventually bumped into someone. "Sorry.." He mumbled, trying to step around the person, but his forearm was grabbed.

"Aye, this isn't personal or anything, but talk to me.. down this alley? It'll be more private." The man mumbled. Scott didn't care, so he just nodded, letting the stranger pull him down an alley.

"Name's Lucifer." Scott opened his mouth, but Lucifer kept going. "I don't necessarily care what your name is, because it's irrelevant. You seem quite down, are you alright?"

Scott decided to be straight up with him. "I just got dumped.. I sorta wish I didn't have the ability to feel.. anything.. because everything hurts so bad.." Lucifer hummed.

"Well, I'm just the one you need. I'm in a.. well, a hellish career, quite literally. I pick certain people off the streets, and offer them a contract that allows them to be happy." When Scott looked up, he saw that Lucifer was offering him a clipboard and a pen. "If you sign this contract.. I'll literally take away your ability to feel."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Oh, no, no, no, not at all. It's official only if you sign it. You can read the fine print, but there is absolutely no catch."

Scott sighed and read though the paper. There certainly wasn't any obvious catches, or hidden ones. It sounded too good to be true.. but he lost everything. What else did he have to lose?

Apparently, his soul. Because that day, he sold it to the devil. Literally.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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