epigraph: peaches

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peaches was a woman, unknown to the world until one night she met a man who dreamt of making her famous just for her love.

a/n: what can I say? I couldn't help myself. Another story, yeaaah. So y'all probably thinking about peaches like in the song partition (if you weren't then that's okay) but nope no partition here. I'm writing another story where Luke falls shamelessly in love with a woman name Peaches and he tries to do all the things he could do to win her heart. Yeah what a cute little story right. I know, that's weird because all of my other stories are filled with some crazy plot but not this one. It's just about a guy falling head over heels for a girl, wanting to make her famous in his eyes. There's cuts in the chapters so they might seem short because of that, and I'm sorry. Anyways hope you enjoy and I'll talk to you guys later.

Love and Kisses,

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