Chapter One

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Madison and I shared many things throughout our life. However, despite being identical twins we had very little in common. She was sporty I preferred reading and studying, she went to all the high school parties while I stayed at home binge watching Netflix, she had the preppy dress sense whereas my clothes where boring and plain, she tried out the different hair styles whilst my hair stayed the same, she had him and I didn't.

"Maddi that's mine! You can't just take it whilst I was playing!" My seven year old self had burst into tears in the garden one summer.

"Isabella Grace, you need to learn to share your toys! Madison shares her things, don't you sweetie?" My mother had called from the kitchen window, Maddi stuck her tongue out at me and proceeded to run around the garden with my toy. However, this had become a regular occurrence with me and Madison. She did stupid stuff and I got the blame. Like the countless times throughout high school when she snuck out and I got blamed for covering her, or when she had smashed mom's favourite vase and I took the blame. Whatever the occasion it was always the same, Maddi fucked up and I was there to pick up the pieces. That didn't change the fact that she was the favorite though, the favorite in the family, the favorite at school and the favorite with boys. Don't get me wrong, I love Maddi and she was one of my best friends but I was sick of being in the background of her shine.

Despite all of the things Madison put me through during our childhood, there was one thing that tops them all, one thing that I will never fully forgive her for.

It was actually our thirteenth birthday when Noah Reynolds moved next door, I remember the first time I ever saw him.

We both rushed downstairs upon hearing the arrival of the car next door, we had waited all summer for new neighbors and now it was a race to see who could befriend them first.

However, we had both skidded to a sudden halt once we laid eyes on Noah Reynolds. Although only thirteen at the time he was absolutely gorgeous. He had dirty blonde hair which fell down below his eyes, his tan skin glistened underneath the September sun. Once he spotted us he grinned and jogged over, moving his hair to reveal his blue eyes which seemed to hold so many stories.

"Hey, I'm guessing you're my new neighbours?" He bit his slightly pink bottom lip whilst staring at Maddi.

"Yeah, it's so nice to meet you!" Maddi gushed as usual whilst bringing him in for a hug, she always was a flirt. "I'm Madison Grace, this is my twin sister Isabella Grace."

Only then did he look at me and his grin broke out and spread across his face making me feel flushed and numb inside.

"Hi," I mumbled in a small voice whilst biting my left thumb, something I did when I was nervous, he pulled me into a warm hug and whispered his sweet hello's into my ear.

However, you can probably guess how to story went from there. We was all friends for a while before Maddi had him smitten.

Four years later and Maddi and Noah where the couple everyone talked about in high school, whereas I just blended into the background as usual. Don't get me wrong Noah loved me, as a best friend.


I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Just to clarify none of this is edited as I want to finish the story before going back and editing. There will be lots of drama to come but I wanted to keep it fairly easy going at the start so you can get to know the characters and mainly Isabella's personality. 

You can imagine the characters as anyone you want. I have Selena Gomez in my head for both girls just because she is a queen. But you can base them off anyone you want! Madison is slightly more girly than Isabella but Isabella is not a tomboy. She just dresses more casual than Madison. I imagine Noah as tanned with blue eyes and light brownish hair but you can once again imagine him to look like however you want hence why I am not putting too many character descriptions in here:) I may make a cast list further down the line but for now I will not be doing. Please crit me in any places you feel I could improve on and let me know what you think of the story so far! Thank you guys! <3 

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