New School New Friends

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Im sorry in advanced if I don't update right away it takes time to write a story when you also have to focus on school, tests and homework..Also sorry for the grammar and spelling errors... but I hope you like it.



New School, New Friends

I don't want to go today. Can I just start next week?" I asked my mother as she drive into the parking lot of my new high school.

"No! You are going to school today whether you like it or not!" My mother bites back at me as she gives me a stern look on her face indicating that there is no way that I can convince her to let stay home today. But I still continue the conversation.

"But it's Thursday, the week is almost over. Please Mom can I just go back home?" I continue to plead. But she doesn't buy it.

"Jasmine Elizabeth Samuel" She says making her tone of voice a little louder. then she hands me my bag and shoo her hands gesturing me to get out of the car. So as the obedient child I am, I simply unbuckle myself from the car seat, grab my bag and get out of the car. I sigh quietley so she can't hear and start walking towards the school. As I walk to the front entrance of the school, I notice that a girl has dropped all of her books so I went over to her to help pick them up.

"Oh thank you.' She says as she grabs the books from my hand and puts them in her bag. "Hi, I'm Kelly. But you can call me Kel for short." She starts off as she reaches her hand out to shake mine.

I reach my hand to meet her hand and do a causual meet and greet hand shake. "Hi. I'm Jasmine. But my friends call me Jazzi." I say in a sweet tone voice.

"So are you new here?" Kelly says as she starts to walk towards the doors if the front entrance of the school. And I casually follow walking on the right side of her.

"Yes I am. Today is my first day here."

"Oh cool." She says looking at her schedule to check who she has.

Me totally ignoring her comment I ask "Can you show me where the main office is?"

"Oh no problem." She says as she swings her hand to gesture for me to follow her.

"Thanks." And as I say to Kelly, I mistakenly bump into a tall person. I look up to see who it is. Next thing I know, I was looking at the most handsome boy I've ever seen.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He says as he continues to walk past me. Before I could even respond, he turned the corner in the hallway and was gone.

Wow. What a gentleman. I like.

"Who. Is. That?" I ask Kelly while chuckling.

She looks at me letting our a small laugh. "That is Kyle Williams."She says as she points in his direction behind us. "Most popular boy in the school, and I hear he is a total jerk and a cheater. so stay away."

I look at her and say "But you can't judge a book by it's cover right?" She looks back at me and nods. After that, we have finally arrived at the main office so I can get my new schedule. Kelly waited for me outside the office to show me to class.

"It says here that I have Mr.Brown for Chemistry class." Not looking ahead of me and studying the schedule.

"That's who I have right now." Kelly says with a excitingly look on her face. "Come on." She says as she grips my wrist and pulls me through the hallway and to the lab. For a shorter person, she is quite strong.

Kelly is like a few inches shorter than me and I'm 5'9". So I'm not that tall either. But Kyle, I would say he is about 6'2". I broke up with my boyfriend last year so right now I am currently single.

Kelly and I reached the chemistry lab and Mr. Brown instructed me to sit in the only available seat in the class. That seat was next to a familiar person.

Great...This class should be good....(sarcasm)

I follow the teachers directions and sit in my seat.I turn slightly to get a better look of the person sitting next to me without them knowing that I'm looking at them.

"Hi. I'm Jasmine... Jasmine Samuel" I say as I turn around to that person and get a fully and better look at the person's face.Then they finally speak and introduced themselves.

"Hey. I'm Kyle...Kyle Williams."


I'm sorry if this chapter is very short. But I will try to make them longer as I write.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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