A Call From Nick

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~Hello lovelies, this is my first official fanfic here I suppose. And I just want give you a quick run down of the story ahead:
Not sure where this story takes place on the cinematic timeline so just kinda... go with it
WILL contain ships *cough* STONY
This is an OC origin story so it will be from that POV BUT it will have lots of avengers POV
I hope you enjoy!~

Tony Stark was not having a good day. No, in fact, he was having an absolutely shitty day.

After his last Avengers mission he had resolved to basically living in his lab. It wasn't like locking himself away to work for hours was new, but this time it wasn't just because he was stressed.

This time he was in his lab for a completely different reason. He was fustrated. Not like his usual pissed off why-am-i-living-among-peasants fustrated, either. It was more... confusing.

Ever since the other Avengers left Stark Tower Tony had felt disturbingly lonely. Pepper was off on some business trip on his behalf. And thats how Tony ended up here, surrounded by metal parts and holographic blueprints. His mind slowly working throw all his muddled ideas, in hopes of finding something to distract him.

"Sir, incoming call from Nick Fury." Jarvis, Tony's A.I, said in his usual calm tone.

"Not now,"Tony snapped. His words came out harsher than intended. But hey, not his fault he didnt want to put up with Patchy The Pirates bullshit right now.

"Hello Tony," Nick's voice said from a screen across the room.

"Jarvis!" Tony complained. He hated when his A.I let unauthorized calls through.

"I know you don't want to hear from me, Stark. But I dont care. We got a question for you."

Tony put down his screwdriver and picked up a rag from the counter, wiping the grease from his hands. " No, Nick, you cannot stay at my beach house this weekend again."

"Ha ha," Nick leaned back in his chair from behind the screen, " As much as I'd like to sit here playing saracasm I cant. The situation at hand is growing more urgent by the hour. Come into HQ in an hour for the full case."

With that Nick's image dissappeared.

"Wait, come in? Now?"
"If you plan on being on time, Sir, I suggest getting ready immediately," Jarvis added.
"Why couldn't he just tell me over the call. I hate going into S.H.I.E.L.D." Great. This day was just going even better now.

After a quick (much needed) shower Tony went back to the top floor of the tower. "Should I get the car ready, Sir?" Jarvis asked.

"Na, let's arrive in style." He walked out onto the tower's platform and his suit flew to him in pieces. He heard the satisfying click as each piece snapped into place. Without a second thought he dove off the platform and into the awaiting sky.
This better be worth my time, he thought impatiently.

When he got into S.H.I.E.L.D HQ he avoided eye contact with all of the agents ambling around. He was here for one purpose, and that was to quickly speak to Nick and leave. Avengers weren't normally called in unless extremly confedential information had to be said. And even then, no one really went out of their way to invite Tony to meetings. He had a tendency of being what others called "rude".

Nick's office space was a huge room with a single desk set up in front of the floor to ceiling windows. Tony knew he was supposed to be directed to the room by an agent, but he really didn't feel like putting up with that whole charade. So he just walked down the hallways and barged into the room.

Nick was standing with his back turned, gazing at the skyscrapers through the window. When he heard the door open he slowly turned his head. "Stark, how nice of you to make it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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