Whispers in the dark.

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A whisper in the house,soft,almost soundless

as it glides across the room with bated breath.

A silent shout .

A whisper ,as it treads slowly ,

waiting to be caught by someone who hears

A soft, scared whisper.

A choked, soaked  with emotion whisper.

Deep in it's resonance is pain,

of memories it cannot change,

of fights it tries to avoid and hide,

sweeping across to the side.

A person stands, a whisper escapes from the lips,

A soundless entity in itself,

A being in the entirety of soundless sound.

A silent appeal of help,

Another whisper throws it's shackles away.

Carried to the bright window,

sunshine streaming in all it's joy

Unknown ,inside the house darkness belong

A silent whisper for help,the contrast cannot be more stark,

Life tries to reign

Some spark of hope in those soundless eyes on whose lips whispers lie.

A knock on the door, it calls again and again

Stirring the silence inside,

The silence in which whispers glide.

A knock ,almost defies it's authority to reign,

Life , it seems ,has come knocking by.

Guided by the soundless whispers it heard across the sky.

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