Niki J Backstory

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Hello, my names Niki. I'm 16 years old and a Proxy to Slenderman. I live in the Creepypasta mansion. If you want to know how I got here, just continue reading. If you don't, just go.

   It all started when I was in 3rd grade. Up to that point in my life, everything was normal. I grew up with my parents, my younger brother and my dog, Rocky. I should probably tell you about my parents first. My parents were....ok. There way of teaching lessons was to yell. They always seemed to yell at me and never my brother. I got sad for that reason. The older I got, the more I got yelled at. I would cry, which caused them to be mad and yell at me more. I can't say I had abusive parents, but they still hurt me. I had a friend, who I shall call Cistro, who always sticked by me. She knew all about me and never left my side. She was and still is amazing. Now, back to the story. In 3rd grade I started getting bullied. The kids would bully me for my art and make fun of my odd personality. As a kid, I hated outside games and loved to stay inside. Even my parents thought I was weird. I didn't really care at the time. The bullying continued throughout the years, getting worse each year. By the end of 5th grade, I got addicted to something called Creepypasta.

   When I say addicted, I mean I couldn't stop thinking about it. I would always talk about it and read fanfiction. People thought I was even more wierder because of that. I told my mom about it, and she told me to stop liking it because if not I would turn into a serial killer. I did not believe her because I said I liked it in a more "family" way. I of course lied. I loved the murder and torture parts of it. After awhile, I started getting a feeling which I now as....bloodlust. I would also start giggling at random moments. I also started feeling different and more....odd. I even called myself crazy. I also stopped caring about people's emotions. I started getting very distant. I didn't care though.

   The bullying continued. All throughout middle school, I was bullied for the same reason by the same people. I was getting tired of it. Sometimes I would even come home with bruises and cuts. My parents never noticed because they were too busy with there jobs. I would never cry about it, I tried to stay strong. Sometimes, I would hide behind the school and cry. My best friend would try to make me happy, which always worked. She was that amazing.

   I think this is a good time to say this. I was and still am very good at acting. I would sometimes just act mad or annoyed just to bug my friends. I can easily act like I didn't do something, and the person would believe me because I was known as the "most kind and innocent" girl in the school. Did I take advantage of my skill, yes. Did I feel bad about it, no.

   By the time I was 16, I...snapped. I was tired of the bullies always making me feel weak. With my acting skill and ability to sneak on people, I bought myself some pink sharp scissors and killed every person who bulled me. I officially declared myself as an insane murderer. I was happy to be crazy.

   I knew I couldn't stay with my parents anymore, so I decided I was gonna run away. I told Cistro about what I did. At first she freaked out. But after awhile, she decided she was gonna run away with me. We both left a letter to our parents saying "We got your daughter, you'll never see her again". We packed the stuff we needed and went into the woods. Thats where I become even more insane.

   For awhile, we lived in a cabin we found. It was a good size, so we decided to just take it. Everything was ok there. Cistro was terrified because she was and still is, scared easily. When she heard about the murders that happened in the woods, she did not want me to leave. I said they weren't true, so she would calm down. While I was living in the cabin, I started getting something that I call "Insanity".

   Insanity is basically when my insane personality comes out all at once and I can't control it. I would start laughing and giggling and want to kill someone. Cistro learned how to calm me down and also how to prevent it. Lets just say, my eyes would turn very dark and my left eye would start twitching. I then would start giggling phycopathicly which would lead to laughing. I would then try to stab someone, it being a person or myself. I can't really feel pain while I'm in an insane state, so I'm somewhat stronger. Sometimes my insanity mixes with my emotions, so  I can do some crazy things.

   You probably want to know about how I got to the living in the Creepypasta manshion. May I remind you that I never actually believed in the stories. So, one day while I was out killing I ran into....Slenderman. He told me he was interested in my skill and told me he wanted me to live in his mansion. I was shocked, but said yes. After that, Me and Cistro packed our stuff and moved into the manshion. I was shocked and happy that the Creepypastas actually existed. Cistro was terrified of living there, until Slender told her she was gonna be fine. I met some new friends and enemies while in the manshion.

   One of the friends is Ticci Toby. Since the beginning, he's always helped me and talked to me. Another one of the friends is Clockwork. She is one of the only girls that aren't mean to me and Cistro. I'm also friends with LJ. I hate Masky. He thinks I'm just a fangirl. My insanity is worse now because of him. I want to kill him, but Toby stops me. Toby is the only other person who knows about my insanity. He has calmed me down so many times.

   The story is almost over. After awhile of living in the manshion, Slender made me and Cistro Proxies. He said my acting and sneaking skill were needed for his jobs. He said Cistro had potential to become a fighter and a stalker. I was so happy to be a Proxy because that means I could spend time with Toby and do the thing I love. Me and Cistro are partners, but sometimes Toby would come with us. I started to like Toby....

  That is basically it. If you want to know more about me, just comment what you want to know and I'll talk about it. Well, my master is calling me. I have to go, bye!
Authors Note:
I hope you enjoyed my oc. It is my first time writing so if it's bad, thats why. I'm sorry if it's so long, but I had to explain everything. I still have some things to tell you about her, but if I put it in this one it would take forever.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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