The Pastor's Daughter.

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Hey people I'm Nereida and I used to have a WAttpad but I deleted it ;(. But I made a new one with a new story I hope you guys enjoy it as munch as I'm going to enjoy reading it.


Chapter 1 : It's time.


6 years ago.

"Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!" I shouted running towards my best friend.

"Calm down Beau! Mama says if you over work yourself, you faint. whatever that means." Charlie shrugs. I shake my head trying to remember what I came running for.

"Charlie!" I shouted again.

"What Beau?!" Charlie shouted back.

"Mama says we're moving." I say quietly.

"Stop playing Beau and help me fill these water balloons, the lady's from church aren't going to get wet them selves." Charlie playfully pushed my arm.

"No Charlie. Were moving. Daddy gettin sick and we have to leave town." I saw how Charlie eyes started to get watery and red. And I know Charlie ain't ever cry unless she get mad.

"How long?" she asks me.

"I don't know." this seems to push Charlie more.

"Where to?!" she starts to get loud.

"Boston." Charlie gets up from the grass an pushes me on to the ground.

"I hate you Beau Anderson!" she shouts, tears spilling down her face.

"Charlie." I plead.

"Don't Charlie me! you always said that you were going to keep me safe from all the bad guys. But the only bad guy is you!" Charlie shouts, and there's an aching pain down in my chest.

And she start again "I hate you Beau!"

"Charlie please, I'm sorry." I plead.

"No Beau." she stomps her foot on the ground. "You made your bed, now lie on it." she starts to walk and I try to stop her. "Don't touch me. I'm going to throw these balloons at the lady's at the church by myself. MAMMA!" she screams out.

And just like that my best friend was gone.

6 years later

~Charlie POV~

Looking at myself in the mirror horrified at the nest on my head. I grab my comb brushing it roughly.

"Charlie! how long more?" my mother called out.

"5 more minutes mamma." I start to rug to put on my navy blue flats with a bow on the tip-toe. I rush down the stairs and see mother fixing fathers tie.

"Who are seeing today?" I ask my parents.

"An old friend." father says with a wink.

"What type of old friend?" I ask.

"You'll see when we get there baby." my mother kisses me sweetly on the fore head.

"Mamma I'm 16 years old I don't need your kisses." she begins to tell I'm never to old for kisses and I roll my eyes and head out the door.

The car ride to this familiar, and unfamiliar house was just on discussion on me being on my best behavior.

"Charlie fix your dress." father says sternly. I adjust my dress to my waist and brush out any kind of unwanted cotton.

When my father rang the doorbell I waited patiently for the owner to open their door. But when the door open I was confused to who it looked like when I was a kid.

It couldn't be. Couldn't?

"Beau it's so nice to see you again!" my father hugs Beau in a fatherly manner.

Beau? Beau as the one to my childhood best friend? Beau?

"Charlie!" I snap out of trance and look up at Beau.

"Charlie is that really you?" that's when I saw Beau and I are the only ones outside.

"Yea?" I say more as a question.

"6 years really done you good. You look hot." I was startled at Beau's comment. Never had anyone dared to to make a filthy comment like that, especially to the Pastors daughter.

"Yea and your not to bad yourself ?"

"Charlie it's me Beau. The same Beau, but better looking." And that's when guys in Alabama get all cocky and turned into a self preserved butt.

"Beau, really I don't want anything to do with you." I say truthfully.

"Why not?" he asks me.

"I your the same child from 6 years ago, I don't want nothing to do with you. I'm older and wiser and I can't have you dragging me around in your foolish ways. so if excuse I'll be on my way." I make my self clear and head to the dinning room.




The diner was a drag, I forced to sit with Beau, and my parents hardly acknowledge my existence.

Mom and dad asked how Beau being back is going to take on me. I really don't know, like I said I don't want anything to do with him. and I am hoping he'll respect that. Because it's time to grow up, not become a 10 year old child.


Well that's in chapter 1 I really hope you guys like it and keep on reading!

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