At Last

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  • Dedicated to Kindred Spirits

At Last

- Description -

Gilbert decided to call at Patty's Place one fine evening. Aunt Jamesina was out of town for the weekend and the girls liked to have callers during their spare time. Anne had never admitted it to Gilbert. She had never told him she loved him and every time the words floated into her head, she dismissed them. It did always make her feel guilty when someone brought up the fact that she rejected Gil and whenever Christine Stuart was topic of conversation she got frustrated and flustered. But she did have dreams of him and never once had she complained about those. Stella, Priscilla, and Phil mysteriously disappeared, leaving the two friends alone. What will happen next?


Gilbert sat on the right side of the couch, near the side table where the record-player sat. He had a habit of fiddling with the needle whenever he was at Patty's Place but he never broke it so no one seemed to mind. Anne came down the stairs - as beautiful as ever, at least to Gilbert - and flashed him a bright smile. He gave a small smile and wave in return before she disappeared into the kitchen.

Philippa and Priscilla kept him company until Anne and Stella walked in with a fresh plate of cookies.

"Seriously? We never have cookies at my boarding house!" Gilbert quickly grabbed one.

"Well, then in that case, have as many as you like!" Anne said cheerfully.

"Oh, I'm planning on it!" Gilbert winked at her.

Anne blushed deeply and the three other girls giggled. Gilbert loved to see her blush, especially when he was the one who caused it. Stella noticed Anne's slight discomfort and reached in the side table drawer, pulling out a deck of cards.

"Who's up for a game?" She asked, smiling.

"I wish I lived here. The people at my boarding house are so boring!" Gilbert complained.

He slid from the couch onto the floor and sat cross-legged next to Anne as everyone joined them around the coffee table. Stella tossed the pack to Gilbert who caught it and bit his lip in concentration as he opened it. Anne watched in awe as Gilbert shuffled the cards expertly. His fingers carrying out quick actions as the cards became mixed up randomly. He threw a few tricks in there and Anne smiled as she watched. After the cards were shuffled well, he dealt them and an exciting game of "Crazy 8's" was played among the eyes of Gog and Magog.


"I don't get this game!" Phil threw down her cards in frustration.

After an hour of trying to teach Philippa how to play they just gave up and told her to try her best and play the game.

"There's no hope for you, Phil!" Stella teased as she put the cards back in their small box.

"You'll get it eventually!" Gilbert encouraged, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Philippa smiled proudly, "See, Gilbert believes in me!"

"He's just being nice!" Priscilla smiled.

The four friends laughed as Phil pouted. Anne and Gilbert reached for the last cookie at the same time, fingers brushing. Anne blushed and drew her hand away.

"You have it." She said quietly.

Gilbert broke the treat in half. "Here, have half."

Anne took the offered half and gave him a small smile as he watched her intently.

The three other girls watched their interaction carefully, diverting their eyes when Anne looked up. Philippa stood in the doorway and gestured for Stella to follow her into the kitchen.

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