This is going to be really weird

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       Your name is a man cub (no Sophia stop this. *sigh* I will start)

       You were yet again rustled into babysitting your little cousin. Normally you wouldn't mind this but lately she had gotten interested in a franchise you so dearly despised. Monster High.        *que monster high music*we are monster high-No Sophia.

      The characters, the plot (if there was one) and the animation, are awful! And the worst part was, she would watch one movie and one movie only. Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love, her favorite, your hell ughhhh. 

     Though there was something about the villain that spiked your interest. He seemed different from the rest, like his intentions were a little too dark for the audience he was made for. He honestly looked like he belonged more in a Tim Burton movie. It would be better if he collected more realistic hearts but whatever floats his boat. 

     You looked down to your cousin and noticed she had fallen asleep. You couldn't help but smile, despite having a terrible taste in movies she really was a sweet kid.  After attempting to figure out how your cousin could like something so.....degrading, you figured you should switch off the movie. You picked up the remote to switch it off but nothing, it was still on. You clicked once, twice, then three times. But nothing happened.

    It also came to your attention that the animation appeared more static-like, almost warped in a way. It could've just been because you were tired honestly, it was pretty late. After a mini battle against your laziness, you moved to switched the tv off manually. Only for the image to melt, physically friken melt of the screen. The technicolored liquid moved very fluidly, like a snake as it pooled around your feet. You were pretty freaked out now, and made attempts to run. But the minute your foot moved, the liquid dropped you. Literally dropped you.

      As in you were falling out of the fuck mothering sky. Well there was only one thing to do, scream and shout, and let it all out. Oh, and also watch your life flash before your very eyes.

        You braced for impact, but nothing happened. You felt tears of hysterical happiness leak out of your eyes, you weren't dead this was amazing. But how did you survive? You then felt arms wrapped around your legs, when did those get there? But honestly you were too busy sobbing in gratitude for whoever saved you to care. 

        "That's right darlin',let it all out. A fall like that is bound to be a frightening experience." A smooth, southern accent caressed your ears. Oh my God, it was like an orgasm for your ears.

     You looked up about to worship the ground your savior walked on- HOLY SHIT.

  It was him, the bad guy that had captured your attention. Valentine.

     "You're, you're." You tried speaking but it was impossible. The mildly handsome animated guy you were used too was no more. In his stead was an incredibly hot, hyper realistic vampire. And he was looking at you as if you had seven heads.

      "I-I thought it was impossible. They said it was physically impossible,but here you are." 

         He then looked at you with a lust that made your insides mushy. After a few moments of this really intense, and attractive stare you spoke up.

       "Uh,why am I here? And why are you staring at me like I'm a roast chicken?"

          He chuckles, and by God is it a beautiful noise.

         " Well I am entitled to stare," he strokes your face, "you are my mate."


            " Sorry dude, but that cannot be possible. I just met you! We can't be mates!" I stuttered though the more I thought about it, the more it kinda made sense.

        After all it would explain your interest in him.....but still that doesn't explain the portal! Valentine seemingly noticed your distress, and then attempted to explain.

      "Let me explain in simplest terms, he sighs, " a vampires makeup is genetically designed to seek out their mate. It is said that a vampire will know who their mate is if the vampire comes of age. But that never happened, oh I had a name it rang through my head constantly. (Y/N). But no matter how I tried, I couldn't find you. But I knew that one day my mate would subconsciously figure out who I was. And you did."

        Without warning he smashed his lips onto yours, wow was he a good kisser. But one thought   crossed your mind. 

         You pulled away, much to his disappointment. 

           "What about Draculaura, or the other hearts you broke? How do I know you're not lying?"

        Valentine gave you a sad smile, "I will not deny that I did bad things, I broke the hearts of dozen of young girls. But I only did it to fill the void in my heart the had always belonged to you. You have to believe me!" The look on his face is of pure despearation and fear of rejection. You instantly know what to do.

   You gently remove his arms from around your legs, and set them down on the ground. 

      Looking into his eyes you say firmly. "Well I didn't expect to meet my mate and leave my friends and loved ones behind. But I don't really mind it." 

      Valentine's eyes brightened as the force of your words hit him. He swung you around in his arms with the worlds brightest smile on his face.

            "Oh thank you so much! I love you (Y/N)!"

           You couldn't help but return the over flowing amount of love oozing off of him.

             "I love you too!" You giggled, smiling at his happiness.

                   You were surprised at the kiss he then brought you into, but you didn't care. Though you still don't know what will happen next, it can't be all bad. After all you now had your mate, and right now that's the only thing that matters.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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