The fate of love

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The fate of love.

Chapter 1

"Wake up Emma"Emily said from behind the door with a killer look on her face. "Emma get up now- Ok ok I'm getting up. Emma open the door slowly and stared at her twin. "Emily it's the first day of summer and your up why, I'm thinking of ways to kill you- Haha I'm blood you can't kill me". (Emma's eyes went wide and placed her hand on her hip)"What do you want for waking me Emily. Emily looked down and said "i needed to talk to you- Jeez let me get dress and we will take a walk ok- Ok i'll be up stairs. A few minutes later Emma was downstairs." Lets go".(Emma yawned) Emily started off "i have a crush on this boy and i'm not sure if he likes me back\- Who is it Emi- Dylan Allan Rogers. My best friend, how long have you like him-A few months-Well i talk to him for you trust me I'll see what he says- Ok sis your awesome.

They kept walking as Eli walked up. "Hey baby" as Eli hugged Emma. Emily looked at the love she knew her twin had for Eli. Eli pulled Emma to the side. "I'm sorry babe I'm breaking up with you". Emma explain the whole year they was together. Emma run down the street her eyes full with tears. Emily stare at Eli who was fighting his tears. He seem to hold them back as Emily run after Emma.
Chapter 2

A month went by, Emma took a walk to get out of the house where she met Reid. She stopped and stared at the young man who had run into her. "Hi I'm Reid Adamson- Hi I'm Emma Davis- Cute name". They hit it off and soon knew everything about each other. 2 weeks later. Emma and Reid was a couple. "Emma have you talk to Dylan yet-Oh i forgot i will tho". So she text Dylan and said *dylan do you like my sister-like how Emm's-boyfriend/girlfriend type-oh no just friends-Oh ok Dylan see ya-ok bye". "Hey Emily i just talk to Dylan and he said he only likes you as a friend- (Emily's mouth drop as he heart landed in thoat)- Dont cry Emily i find you someone esle i see if Reid has a friend- (She smiled)Thanks Emma-Your welcome i gotta go i will talk to you later- Ok".

Reid and Emma showed up a hour later with Sam. Emily was watching tv as Reid and Emma was all over each other as the sat down as Sam sat next to Emily. "Hey Sam" as Emily stare into his eyes. Emma got up and look outside it was raining bad. The power went out the girl's mom yelled"kids it's ok it will come back on soon".

Chapter 3

Emma run to Emily,scared. KNOCK KNOCK. "Who can that be". Emma walked to the door. Eli stood there holding his side. Emma led him to the living room. Emily saw the worry in her twin's eyes. Emma look at the wound and wipe it clean looking at it and holding pressure on it. Eli was in and out. Emma felt like crying as Eli (her ex) lay there dying." Eli what happen sweetheart-I got stabbed- Emily looked out the window how bad is it raining- Not too bad-Ok lets get him to the hospital. Reid ask her whats going on. "Eli is my ex i just can't let him die". Reid kissed her" ok go save him babe".

(The fate was opening for Emma and Eli has and the one that was ending with Reid but she didnt know it.)

Chapter 4

They got to the hospital. They took Eli back fast. Emma pace the floor. Emily held her sister as tears fell down her cheeks. "It's ok Emma- Can i tell you something- Yes you can sis- Well when Eli came there i went back ,to when we was together. My mind for a second forgot about Reid. Like I remember what it was like being with Eli-sounds like being in love".

A doctor came out from the back "Where is Emma-right here sir- (Emma ran over to the doctor)

Eli is asking for you-( Emma brace herself as she walk toward Eli's room dusting off her jeans .) (Emma talking) I walked in and saw his blue grey eyes. "hello-hey Eli how are you sweetheart- Ok i guess". He grabbed Emma's hand and Emma pulled his hand close. I forgot about Reid for that moment He said "i love you Emma Lynn (Tears fall from Emma's eyes)- Eli i love you too". Emma didn't leave Eli's side till he left the hospital. (Emma had ended it with Reid.) "Lets go baby". There hands touch and they walked out. 2 months later. Emma and Eli's love grew. She did think some of Reid but that was in the back of her mind.

Chapter 5

Emma and Emily had found love. Emma had Eli. Emily had Sam. One night Emma couldn't sleep, she got up from her bed and took a walk. She zipped her jacket up since it was cold. It was dark. She ran into Reid. He said "hello Emma long time no see (he hit her)". He beat her he broke her arm ,then step hard

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