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She remembers waking up that morning, a warm ray of sun licking the surface of her pacific face. Realizing that there was no way she was going to fall back asleep, she turned onto her other side. There was too much light in the room since they'd both forgotten to draw the curtains the night before.

Hundreds of small, imperfect freckles and marks were scattered across a familiar, smooth canvas. A smile rose to her lips, enhancing the dimples that he always told her he loved oh so much.

The smile only grew wider as she reached across the messy sheets, letting the tips of her fingers glide across the freckle-painted skin. Quietly, calmly - she let her fingers give in to the attraction of the small, pink curls resting on the back of his head, and slowly let her hand travel up his back and neck in order to touch the messy curls.

Even though the touch was minimal, so soft, she felt his body flinch under her touch. Her smile only grew and grew, as she scooted in closer to his back, before placing her warm lips on his right shoulder blade. As for her right arm, she let it snake its way around his torso.

A sigh. A content sigh escaped his tired body. She kissed each, little freckle of his - or at least she wanted to, but there probably wasn't pecks enough in this world.

"Morning," a tired mumble of his broke the quietness of the bedroom.

She felt his right arm move, but only in order to grab her hand and intertwine their fingers. His eyes were barely open and awake, but he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach at the sight of the precious stone on her finger. Her ring finger. Then it hit him again; he was the happiest man alive.

"Morning," she replied, the smile on her face clearly influencing her voice.

Next thing they both knew, he let go of her hand and it was now his turn to switch to his other side. He was met by his favorite view, which was her radiating face. Normally he wouldn't be like this, but he swore to himself that her face had been like that since yesterday evening. If not more than usual. It reminded him of how he didn't regret a single thing.

Both of their smiles only grew wider as they were now facing each other.

"I know you're the one wearing it, but that thing," he grabbed her hand once more, "only reminds me of how lucky and happy I am."

"Imagine how I feel..." She joined the heartfelt conversation. "I'm the one wearing it."

"And I wouldn't have it any other way," he leaned in close, before placing a loving kiss to her forehead.

Her hands moved to his chest, then slid all the way up his neck, her fingernails soothingly scratching his neck before reaching his jaw. She had a both firm but gentle hold of his face, as she pulled him away from her forehead and down to join her lips. His light stubble scratching against her palms, while their lips moved against one another.

How they both wished they could've stayed like this forever.


Hi, guys!

So this is just a small short story I came up with, when I listened to Parachutes' "Forever and always", which it will be based on. So if you know the song, then I guess the plot is kinda spoiled already haha. Anyways, it will be a Jebby story, even considering the immense controversy, and I hope you'll like and support it anyways.


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