Insomnia- IAMX

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-habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
•synonyms: sleeplessness, wakefulness, restlessness, inability to sleep

The day is incomplete
The thoughts of total defeat
I don't know what is happening to me
Or if I'll die, 'cause I just never sleep

You awoke into my night
You could see the madness in my eyes

I've lost control, please save me from myself
I've lost control, please save me from myself

My conscience begs for time
'Cause you can't fight the clock
Ticking inside
I'm just a bigger baby me
Acting smart, oh what irony

Where will I end up, tonight?
Getting fucked or frying my mind

I've lost control, please save me from myself
I've lost control, please save me from myself

Calm me down with your caress
I'll get off while I watch you undress
Maybe the sex will help me to forget
A precious, transient schizophrenic bliss

Oh, my god, you're beautiful
Why do you stay with this neurotic fool?

I've lost control, please save me from myself
I've lost control, please save me from myself
I've lost control, please save me from myself
I've lost control, please save me from myself

Isn't it just easier to take a sleeping pill when you can't sleep? What about more than one?

It doesn't seem fair that while you're sleeping and having beautiful dreams, I'm here awake and having nightmares.

Even as you dream, you still manage to help me.

Why do you waste your beautiful dreams for someone who doesn't want them from you?

It's unfair that while I lay here wanting to be you, I find comfort in not being with you.

I find comfort knowing that you are suffering for me in the most pleasant of ways possible.

Why do you suffer for me?

As you suffer, you become so radiant and beautiful without trying.

Even if you slowly die in the process of dreaming beautiful dreams, you're still beautiful.

Even if I take more than 9 sleeping pills, I still won't be able to sleep.

I'll lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about what you dream about.

Do you dream that I will sleep so you can no longer suffer?

Do you dream of being carefree?

Because I dream of being you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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