Her Hearts Just Like Mine

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  • Dedicated to Kayleigh Pudding Stetson Bongiovi

It seemed Axl was late picking her up once again as he was everytime they arranged to go out together. Only this time it was far more important as Connie had been nominated for an award by her truest fans. A year ago today she published a work of fiction entitled Eighties Wonderland and it became such a huge hit with all ages. Astounded by the fame her book had, she couldn’t believe it when informed she’d been nominated for an award. In her wildest dreams she could never have imagined a happier ending upon finishing the book as it had taken her almost three years to perfect it. Unfortunately, her good friend Axl was late as always in picking her up for certain events. Usually she was able to make excuses for her late arrivals, but not this time. This time wasn’t going to be all too pretty for him either when she got her hands on him.

 Connie had spent the entire evening getting herself ready and had spent a colossal amount of money on a dress she would never get to wear again. Angry would be too little a word to use in describing her emotions at the moment. Completely and utterly enraged is more suitable. How dare he be so selfish when tonight was supposed to be the best night of her life. All she could think about was beating the absolute crap out of him with words when he decided to finally show up with another apology. Too many times she had given in to his striking green eyes whenever he would look at her in the hopes that she would forgive him. It wasn’t going to happen like that this time because he had ruined her chances for the last time, something had to be done. They were practically best friends and yet here he was treating her as though she didn’t matter.

 A quiet knock on the door startled her as she stood leaning against it waiting for him to show up. With anger boiling through her veins, she spun around and pulled it open, ready to give him an earful of grief. When their eyes met she could see that he didn’t realise or even care that he was late and it tugged at her tear ducts for the last time.

 “How dare you have the audacity to show up here after making me wait almost two hours for you to finish up whatever you were doing” she spat at him as her eyes glared into his.

 “Do you have any idea how important tonight was supposed to be for me? Yet here you are late as usual and you don’t seem to have a care in the world” she added.

 “Before you start giving me another lecture can you at least let me in so I can explain to you why I’m late” Axl spoke softly as though to calm her down.

 “Why should I let you in after making me wait hours just so I could get to do something important with my life!” she screamed before grabbing the door and slamming it shut.

 Connie hadn’t been quick enough in her effort to shut the door so he couldn’t walk in as he jammed his foot in the door frame to prevent her from doing so. With wide eyes, she tried with all her might to close the door over but knew in her head she was nowhere near as strong as him. After a few moments of fighting to close the door, she sighed in defeat and stepped aside to allow him into her apartment. Axl grinned from ear to ear knowing he would always get his own way and strolled into the place as though he owned it. In truth he did own half of it seeing as they had tried living together at one point, but they realised it wasn’t going to work out due to the temper he and Connie both had. Taking a seat on her plush buttercream coloured sofa his eyes glanced around the room in search of anything interesting.

 “How late did you say I am?” he questioned as his eyes finally rested on her as she stood directly over him with the same glare lingering in her gaze.

 “Almost two hours. Did you honestly think you would be forgiven this time? This isn’t just some random party Axl, this is a landmark in my career as a writer!” she said with a raised voice as the calm and collected mood he was in angered her further.

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