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The creation of volcanoes began with three beings. A dragon called Breath of fire who controlled earths lava core, Long wings a pegasus who was in charge of creating life, and Mr.Wind a cloud in the shape of a bear who controlled the wind.

One day after hours of flying around, Breath of fire decided he was going to relax. He landed in a green meadow with soft grass and fell asleep. Near the meadow was the energetic pegasus Long wings. He was bored and when he reached the meadow he saw Breath of fire, an idea came to him and he quietly walked towards the sleeping dragon.

Breath of fire awoke suddenly, Long wings was jumping on his back! With his tail Breath of fire threw him off and said sleepily, "Long wings I am tired, let me sleep." Long wings jumped on him again, "make me" he responded. "No Long wings, I will sleep", said an irritated Breath of fire. "No you wont", stated Long wings happily. He ignored him for as long as he could until finally Breath of fire had enough. "No more playing Long wings!", he angrily yelled, then he blew fire at Long wings. Long wings moved out of the way and excitingly yelled, "you can't catch me!" before he took off flying. Breath of fire flew after him, so angry he was throwing balls of fire at him. Long wings dodged them all and kept yelling "I'm too fast for you!" as they flew.

Hearing the commotion Mr.Wind, who was checking the winds course, looked around. When he turned around Breath of fire and Long wings flew past him. "What're they doing?" he said to himself. He saw a fire ball crash down and hit the earth and knew he must stop them.

Mr.Wind changed the wind so the fire balls wouldn't land on earth but some did. Breath of fire blew one last fire ball at Long Wings before Mr.Wind blew them away from each other. The fire ball crashed into the earth and created a hole in the earth, it went so deep down it hit the earth's lava core. Because Breath of fire was so angry lava from the core, which he controls, came shooting out this hole. The lava shot out so quickly it lifted the earth around the hole creating what looked like a mountain with a hole at the top which spits out lava. Breath of fire and Long wings stared at this mountain like thing surprised. Mr.Wind spoke up making Breath of fire and Long wings look at him, "look at what you're doing to our earth, all the fire balls that hit earth have created these things. Please stop." Long wings apologized for starting the trouble. He turned towards Breath of fire and asked, "What're you going to call these things?" Breath of fire thoughtfully looked at his creation then whispered, "volcanoes."

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