We Talk Love

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Astrid was picking at a loose string on her dress, knowing that if she showed it to Orfeo; he would give her a new dress, because he wanted everything perfect. But everything wasn't and seemingly never would be, perfect. Thalassa was sitting across from her, in a wingback chair, studying Astrid's face.

Thalassa knew each and every one of her students well enough to tell when something was bothering them, or if they weren't feeling well, or just didn't feel like it today. The Astrid floating anxiously across from her today, waiting for the verdict of good or bad on her last songspell, was very different from the broken soul that had been captured in pictures, seen trying to hide her face with her hair on television, and had eventually arrived at Shadowmanse. She could sing now, and she was distinctly good at it. Learning still, Thalassa could see areas that needed more work or less work, and as a teacher, she yearned to fix them. Astrid, a good student at heart, had gotten in trouble at school a lot, but if you cooperate with her, show her that this is the right way, and show her why, and play to her interests, she was driven, enthusiastic, and excited to learn and move forward. And since this burden had been lifted from her shoulders, she was lighter, happier, but was clearly still troubled by the decisions ahead, so if she was a little distracted from class sometimes, considering that on most occasions she tried her hardest, Thalassa gave her time, and room to adjust to a world that had just piled more onto her already full and overflowing plate.

The canta magus, analyzing her last performance, looked at her quizzically, but decided not to bring it up, remembering that Astrid was somewhat of a closed door, when it came to personal affairs.

"As I said before, Astrid, your voice is absolutely beautiful, and you are a confident performer now, but I heard a small break in your voice around measure twenty-eight. Let's start from," Thalassa looked back at the music stand in front of her, "from, sempre constante, ta'do re ro."

Astrid opened her mouth to sing, and Thalassa quickly added, "Emotion, Astrid. I know you have great amounts of it."

"Unfortunately yes."

Sempre constante , ta'do re ro.

Ta'do re ro, Ta' do re ro!

Alma del core, spirto del alma,

Sempre constante, ta'do re ro,

Saro contento, nel mio tormento,

Se quel bel labro, baciar potro

Thalassa stopped her there. She couldn't ignore it anymore.

"What is wrong today, child? You can't focus, your voice is angry; you are practically shouting at me, tell me, please, what's the matter?"

"There's nothing wrong."

"The emotion palettes you're showing are supposed to be composed of happiness, joy, sorrow, regret, and hope, and love, above all, love."

"How, Magistra? How am I supposed to do that?" She snapped.

"Hey, hey, don't get all upset, I'm trying to coach you, that's true, but I also try to be a friend to all of my students."

"I'm sorry. But I don't know if... I can't just fall..." She looked at Thalassa, realizing that she may have given away too much. Thalassa's eyes narrowed and then widened, as she realized Astrid's problem.

"Does he love you?"

"That's what I'm afraid of. I don't know, Magistra".

"You sound like someone else I know." Thalassa smiled happily at the ironic resemblance, and sadly, at the troubled merl before her.

Astrid and Thalassa: A Voice Lesson Turns DeepWhere stories live. Discover now