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GF/N - Girlfriend’s name

Drunk out of his mind - that was the only way you could describe your best friend, Marko Pjaca. Him and Benković walked into the room which you, Ćorić, Rog and Y/BF/N were in. Rog couldn’t help but laugh at the way Pjaca stumbled into the room, cheeks bright red with a wild grin spread across his face. Pjaca came straight to the couch and decided to sit on the very edge of it, which turned out to be a not so good idea when he started loosing balance. Benković grabbed Pjaca by the back of his shirt and pulled him back, so he’d fall into the couch. Thankfully he didn’t fall flat on his face, even though you secretly wished he did because that would have been hilarious.

“Whatcha been up to, bro?” Ćorić laughed and nudged Pjaca with his elbow.

Pjaca bursted out in laughter. "GF/N... Broke up... With... Me.” His laughter broke the sentence into little pieces. Meanwhile, you all exchanged looks of confusion, then looked at Benković who just shook his head - “don’t ask” was all his eyes could tell you.

“She what?” Rog asked him, not sure if he might’ve worded the sentence wrong. After all, he is absolutely wasted.

“I got dumped.” By the vibe in the room you could tell you all thought the same thing. None of you liked his girlfriend.

“That sucks, dude!” Ćorić patted his back, then turned to Benković and whispered. “The hell?

“Here’s a summary: he got drunk and told GF/N he’s in love with another girl.” Benković said and you all were quite shocked to be fair.

“Well… is that true?” Rog asked Pjaca.

“Yes, I’m drunk. I drank this much.” Pjaca smiled proudly as he stood up and extended his arms to show “how much” he drank.

Rog sighed and you could tell he just mentally face-palmed himself. Y/BF/N rubbed his back and chuckled. “No, Pjaca, that’s not what I-are you in love with someone else?” Is it really worth wasting your breath trying to explain something to a drunk person? Not really.

“Ah, yes.” Pjaca replied dreamily.

You stood up and took his face into your hands. “Go tell that girl you love her and then give her a big fat kiss. Ya know, like in the movies.” You laughed as he put on his best concentrated face and stared at you, nodding.

“Yes, yes…Y/N?”


“I love you.” As your eyes went wide he leaned in and did exactly what you told him to do. He was holding you by the back of your neck as you tried to push his away, but eventually you gave you and gave into the kiss. You couldn’t really complain, even as wasted as he is - he’s one hell of a kisser. Once he pulled away, he turned to everyone else with a smug smirk. You couldn’t tell if everyone was more shocked or amused. They expected this as much as you did.

You and Pjaca have been best friends since you were little but it would have been a lie if you said you didn’t think he was freaking hot. But you never thought of the possibility of you two being together, it would have been too weird. Or would it?

“Y/N, now that we’re in love… Let’s go out.” Pjaca wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer, slurring his words as he spoke.

You took his arm and slided out of his grip. “Listen… We do love each other, but I can’t tell you what I feel is romantic love for you.” His face dropped. You forgot how moody drunk people are. “But that doesn’t mean that can’t happen. Just give me time, give us time.” You shot him a wink and hugged him. As you two were hugging, you felt his hand travel down to your butt and give it a light squeeze.

“When can we do it, though?” Pjaca said and your eyes widened again.

“One thing at a time, Pjaca.”

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