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Dear Readers: Thanks for reading Revenge. If you like this I suggest reading more stories by me. I would like to thank my kind of co- writer Jessica Brown, I say kind of because I do a lot of the writing. No offense Jess. And no matter how much you beg me not to I'm still going to give you credit. It'd be plagiarism if I didn't. The song on the side was just too perfect when I heard it! So, I hope you enjoy and hopefully I'll add more soon!

                                                                                              Your Young Inspired Author,

                                                                                                             Makenzi Herz  <3

 From the depths of her pale soul it came, from the pit of her shattered heart. There was pain and hate and anguish, eating her from the inside out. They echoed through her being, trapped beneath her skin. She forced her lungs to fill, holding back the cry within. Closing her eyes, she suppressed a shudder.

She slowly lowered the coffin lid, hiding the face she'd come to love. Her finger traveled over the carved mahogany, brushing intricately done roses and swirls She gently kissed her fingertips and smudged cherry red lipstick on the cover. She whispered her goodbye and stood steadily. She looked at the wood once more before turning. She calmly walked out the big black doors, their closing as soft as her receding footsteps.

She paused, examining the pouring rain that blocked her from the rest of the world. No doubt she would have given anything to remain under that overhang for the rest of her life, frozen between the life she'd lived and the black void we refer to as the future. No matter what, she had to take that first step.

Diving into the merciless rain, she ran from the past, black skirt snapping behind her to remind her she couldn't escape. She stopped only two blocks away, falling, breaking down in tears. Her dark hair remained plastered to her face, her soaked dress heavy, hug to her form. She closed her eyes and saw his golden hair like a halo and his flawless tanned skin. His rich brown eyes hidden under heavy eyelids, long lashes just brushing his cheek.

Her eyes flew open and her throat tightened. It wasn't an accident. No matter what the officials, or anyone else said, she knew the truth. Someone like her beloved doesn't just die. It was murder. She may have been seventeen at the time, but she wasn't stupid. It was all part of the new law. Revenge is lawful, but no one read the fine print when they signed that act. That all files of homicide were recorded as "accidents". In this law only psychologically improved anything, and she knew this because her want for revenge. He would not want it, but she must.

A single shadow interrupted her thoughts. She stumbled back, startled by a man in a black trench coat. He was taller than her by about a foot, and thin. His umbrella kept him quite dry, rain sliding off the corner and blocking her view of him. She did catch a glimpse of shoulder length black hair and the flash of gray eyes. His large, black boots had silver accents.

"Lilith?" he asked.

She pressed the emergency button on her bracelet, "Who are you?"

He raised a gloved hand and she took another step back. "I won't hurt you."

"I've notified the authorities," she said, green eyes flashing with fear. She was almost shaking, but forced herself not to.

"I am the authorities. From the department of revenge," he tipped his umbrella in recognition, dumping the water it held on her probably on purpose. "As soon as they catch my bracelet's reading on the satellite, they'll disregard your call."

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