Chapter One

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(A/N MAKE SURE YOU GET A PIECE OF TOILET PAPER ARE 2 TISSUES! I WAS ALMOST CRYING WHEN I WROTE THE FIRST PART OF THIS!)(Lukas P.O.V) Its been 12 years since Jess dissapeared. I went to the New Order's Treasure Room and looked at the pictures of me and Jess together

"Ah, the time in the dirt house when Jess convinsed me to stay

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"Ah, the time in the dirt house when Jess convinsed me to stay. Then that horrible thunder storm came..." I said to myself

"This was the camping trip the day before Aiden came and beat Rueben up

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"This was the camping trip the day before Aiden came and beat Rueben up... Jess ran so fast that day."

I looked at the last picture that wasn't ripped or token down

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I looked at the last picture that wasn't ripped or token down. "The day when Jess' mother died.... also the first time Jess opened up to me...." I closed my eyes tightly and ran off into a woods.

(Later INTO THE WOODS Haha okay i'll stop...)

I walked around Jess and Ruebens old house. It had vines crawling up the walls and most of the house was torn apart and ivy was all over the floor. Grass and weeds were also growing in the cracked floor. It looked like the house was rotting for 200 years but it was only there for 12. I walked inside the house and saw the fire place torn up. (Get ready for Aphmau moment to appear) I had a strange image in my head as I stepped about 5 feet away from the broken fire place looking at a torn up picture above it. Around me the house turned good as new and nothing was broken. Where I was standing, Jess now was. A little kid came up to the door and was holding a little locket.

 A little kid came up to the door and was holding a little locket

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"W-Where did you get this?" Jess asked the little kid. "A man with a white hood gave it to me!" Said the little kid. Jess quickly took the locket and there was a huge beam of light turning her emereld eyes dark brown and she had ears and a tail. Suddenly the kid fell on the ground and his eyes closed. There was a baker and a woman reading a book and they both fell alseep. Jess ran outside with the locket and a huge whiteness covered the sky and everybody in that little village fell asleep. The men in the white hoods shown none of their body and took Jess. The image faded with Jess being carried away in the forest with the men.

(Petra P.O.V) I took down the other pictures of Jess as I noticed the last three that was left, was her and Lukas. I sighed as I left the very last one there. "I miss Jess so much..." I said as somebody put their hand on my shoulder. "We all miss Jess... she took me to Redstonia even when we didn't need to..." I turned around to see Olivia taking her hand off my shoulder. Then I saw Axel coming in with a couple of things of Jess. "Jess helped Magnus rebuild Bo0m t0wN and let me go home to do something i wanted..." Axel said. "We don't even know what happend to Jess." I said as me, Olivia, and Axel started to think. Olivia saying everything though. "She couldv'e been slain, or she couldv'e fell to her doom, or drowned, or she couldv'e been--" she stops and gasps. "WHAT IF JESS WAS KIDNAPPED?!?!" Olivia yelled. Before anybody else could say something Lukas came running threw the door. "GUYS JESS WAS KIDNAPPED! WE NEED TO GO LOOK FOR HER!!!" Yelled Lukas as he grabbed a little satchle. "WHAT? JESS IS ALIVE!?! WE NEED TO GO!" I yelled.

(They headed twords the woods and began their search for Jess.)

THANK YOU FOR READING! Now go and enjoy your day reading more Lukesse FanFics while I continue to make this!

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