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Trigger warning on this sorry guys

"You're a fucking piece of shit! How could you make jokes right now?! Jimin is fucking gone! He's dead! I'm never going to get him back"!

"Yoongi please you have to calm do-"

"Calm down?! Are you fucking kidding me Taehyung? Calm down?! That's bullshit and you know it. The love of my life is sitting in that hospital room with a sheet over him because of that stupid fucking man who hit him. Taehyung you don't understand me! How am I suppose to live without seeing Jimin sitting next to me trying to calm me down from my nightmares?! Who's going to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright when there's a storm?! Who's going to hold my hand when I get nervous around new people?! Nobody! Absolutely nobody! I don't want anybody but Jimin! And guess what?! I fucking lost him"!

Yoongi took a deep breath before finally starting to cry.

"I didn't even get to tell him that I loved him".

"Yoongi please you haven't even let me say what I was going to tell you".

"Then fucking say it I have nothing else to lose".

Taehyung took a deep breath before glancing at Jungkook, who looked scared out of his mind about Yoongi's outburst.

Everyone knew Yoongi liked Jimin. Everybody, but Yoongi, knew how much Jimin loved Yoongi.

But nobody knew that Yoongi would try to kill himself because of the idea of never getting to see Jimin again.

Taehyung and Jungkook had walked in on Yoongi's trashed apartment, before rushing to Yoongi's bedroom and seeing him desperately attempting to open a bottle of pills.

They had somehow managed to get them from him before realizing how bad Yoongi was losing it.

There were cuts all up his arms and his eyes looked as if he was going to cry if somebody even said the name Jimin.

"Jimin woke up".

Yoongi just stared at the two boys in front of him, completely and utterly shell shocked.

He couldn't even breath.


"That's why we came to get you. Jimin woke up and was begging to see you".

"Why the fuck didn't they call me?! I'm his fucking roommate"!

"I don't know Yoongi but we really need to get to the hospital".

"I-I haven't even showered a-and my hair is a mess and my a-arms! I-I can't let him see me like this".

"Please it doesn't matter he really wants to see you".

Yoongi nodded before grabbing his phone and keys before shoving them into his sweatpants pocket, then following Jungkook and Taehyung to their car.

Halfway through the ride to the hospital is when Yoongi finally realized he didn't have any cover up for his arms, Jimin was going to see.

The idea of Jimin being disappointed in Yoongi for relapsing, made him want to curl up in a ball and never come out.

But Jimin would never be disappointed in Yoongi, and he knew that. Jimin would do everything in his power to make Yoongi be okay again, even if that meant spending the last of his money to get Yoongi the help he needs. Fortunately, Yoongi was only 17 which means if he was put back in the hospital, it wouldn't go on his record.

Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about all of the things him and Jimin have been through.

They met in 3rd grade when Jimin gave Yoongi his sandwich because he had no lunch.

Gone {Yoonmin} OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now