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// First Year // [ H O G S M E A D E ]

"So ... you are Sirius Black?"

"And you are Charlotte Bane?"

"Yes, get over it. Starstruck boys are not likeable"

"You totally self-asbsorbe-"

"Stop describing yourself sweetheart, I have eyes and ears you disgrace at so many times of the day"

"Why did I even try to talk to you! Ugh"

"I didn't ask you too honey, too bad."

*Cue sassy exit from Charlie*

// Second Year // [ H O G S M E A D E ]

"Sirius Black! How wonderful to see you not!"

"Charlie! You are looking absolutely gorgeous not"

"Why thank you not"

"Why are we talking again?"

"Because we are in the line at Zonko's and all your friends have abandoned your sorry ass"

"So have yours"

"Did yo-"

"Save it, sweetheart."

*Sirius grabs stuff off counter and sassily leaves, tripping over wood and getting up, flipping his hair and leaving*

// Third Year // [ H O G S M E A D E ]



"Don't disgrace my name by saying it, idiot"

"Why sorry Miss. Charlotte Elizabeth Bane"

"How the hell do you even know that, you stalker"

"I have little knowledge about a lot of things"

"Ah yes, that would explain why you failed Potions, because you only absorb little of actually useful things"

"Shut up"

"Where are your friends, Black? Making excuses to run away from you?"

"Shut up"

"You seem to love those two words , don't you? I have a got a brilliant prank planned for you when you are back at Hogwarts"


"So confused, so cute. Have a nice day Black"

*Charlie kisses him on the cheek and leaves*

// Fourth Year // [ H O G S M E A D E ]

"Hey Sirius! Where is Remus?"

"Bane, did you just call me by my actual name and ask where MY friend was?"

"Yes, you absolute prick, have you gone deaf?"

"Uh .. that is better"

"Where is he, dumbo?"

"Flourish & Blotts"


"But why do you need to talk to him?"

"Because he is my friend and I haven't met him or James through the entire summer"




"Good, you can help me find them"

*Charlie grabs Sirius's arm and drags him off to Flourish & Blotts*

<< A / N >> 

So, I have finally come to the story I wanted to publish for so long. Tell me how you feel about it!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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