Chapter 1 | Kenzie

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And then I wake up.

I gasp for air as if I had held my breath for a long period of time. But that's not what woke me up. Loud screeching engulfs the, what seems to be, small room I am currently in. A red light blinks, turning the entire room red, then back to darkness. As my eyes adjust, and my consciousness regains, I come to realize: This isn't just a room.
A loud throat scream breaks through my lips, and it hurts. I scramble to my feet, but fall back down. I'm moving upwards...this is an elevator. I didn't even notice the alarm blaring.
My hands shake uncontrollably as I yell for help. But of course, no one answers. I try to stand again, and accomplish my goal, only to fall again by tripping over wood. I try to examine it in the darkness, feeling it with my hands. It's a crate. I stick my hand inside. Apples.
"Where am I?" I shout. I'm not sure why I do, maybe because I can't hear myself think.
I hold my hands as still as I can in an attempt to calm myself down. Then a question that had been pushing back since I woke up rang in my ears. Who am I?
In only a matter of seconds I begin to cry. Worse than cry, actually. You would have thought there was a whale in this box. I was weeping.
And I felt so weak.
In what felt to be hours, I raised my head at the sight of light breaking through the room. And it wasnt the red light. The roof opened up, and I could see the sun. Moments later, the noise stopped. All I heard was silence.
I held my breath in case there was someone out there. I waited for thirty seconds, but I couldn't hear a peep. I slowly lifted myself out of the Box and sat on the egde with my feet still dangling inside of it. I looked down to see what I was just recently confined in.
There was a pillow, blanket, five crates, and a cage with two chickens. A machete and axe sat in the corner. I could've accidentally hurt myself with those in there.
I began pulling everything out, whiping my tears as I did so. I tried to pull it together, but who was there to see me like this anyway? It's just me here.

Or is it?

I hear the crack of a twig, and spin around to see what it is. I grab the machete, moving closer to what seemed to be...a dude? "Hey!" I holler. "Where are we?"
I'm horrified at the terrible mistake I had just made. That is definitely not a dude. A squeal echos throughout the entire field that we both stand in. "Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no." I start to back away. My heart races with the thought of dying this way: being mauled by a pigman.
Large teeth, almost like two horns or giant fangs, stick out of his jaw. His eyes glow red, and foam drips from his mouth. Fear surges through my body, and I am without a clue of what to do next.

Thankfully, it runs off into the woods; it's body wavering from side to side as it does

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Thankfully, it runs off into the woods; it's body wavering from side to side as it does.
I drop the machete to the ground, followed by my own body. I land on my knees, and the shaking in my hands returns.

What just happened?

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