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Sitting on a nearly empty plane for an hour was the only bad part when it came to flying premium. You got on first, and waited. It wasn't that bad though, Kylie was still catching the wifi from the airport because damn if her flight was going to cut off her show before it ended. It wouldn't be so bad if it was some shitty domestic 45 minute flight from her current location, Toronto, to maybe Ottawa or something. But this was at least 5 hours over to Vancouver, what would be her new home. What with it being time for university and all, she wanted to move from home. Far.

Pulling her knees up to her chest in her aisle seat, she wondered who would be stuck on the inside in the window seat with her in the row. Hopefully no one, or at least someone quiet, and God forbid a screaming baby sat there with a parent that didn't seem to even try to stop it.

But as the plane filled and the stream of people coming in dwindled down to the last few stragglers, Kylie thought she had the best of luck. Not only did she have the bonus leg room of premium, but no one was even beside her. She smirked to herself as she put on her travel playlist, which shamelessly, like her whole music library, consisted of Marianas Trench songs. It wasn't that she was crazy obsessed and that if Matt Webb didn't serenade her with an acoustic rendition of Stage I Remember, she would go all Toy Soldiers on him. No, it wasn't like that. But since she was 11 years old she'd adored the band, going as far to even follow them around the province of Ontario on their recent Never Say Die tour.

She pushed up the sleeves of her black zip up hoodie that proudly displayed the bands name over her heart, and their skeleton faces on the back. After getting comfortable and closing her eyes, headphones just settling over her ears, she heard yelling from the front of the plane.

"I went to the wrong gate and my dog was sick this morning and she kept asking my sister, who's watching her for a second breakfast and then my hotel's power went out so I couldn't..." He made a general motion to his hair and face, back to Kylie. "So I'm sorry I'm late but I'm already standing on this plane and if you make me leave back through security you're wasting your time. I really need to get home to Vancouver." The man said and at this point, Kylie had taken her headphones off, in the second row from the front, so hearing the conversation wasn't difficult.

The flight attendant, clearly annoyed, shook her head and then checked his boarding pass. "Second row to your right." She said and walked back to the front, having already been prepared for take off.

After the loud conversation had ended, Kylie had returned her attention to her phone, skipping through the playlist. When it landed on Lover Dearest she shook her head, "Not today, Joshua, not today." She grumbled to herself, pleased when the next song was one of her personal favourites, Perfect. Of course also by Marianas Trench.

"What about a Joshua?" The man asked suddenly, putting his bag up in the overhead compartment and then easily sliding past her into the window seat, sighing as he sat down and pushed a hand through his long blonde hair.

Kylie looked up slightly, but disappointed she wasn't going to be alone for the flight. "Oh it's... It's a music thing." She shrugged, putting her phone on airplane mode and quickly locking it once she realized her lock screen was currently a shirtless photo of the sassmaster himself, pants just at dick level. Lord knows how those things stayed up.

"I make music things-Woah, hey." He laughed and Kylie took out her headphones.

"You know you actually sound like-Holy fuck." She said, eyeing him and turning so she was leaning back a little, facing him. "What the fuck. Wow. Okay. Yeah. This is happening now? Oh shit, sorry, about my phone and..." She fumbled with her phone to pause her music, "I mean uh, hi." She awkwardly held out her left hand, then switched it with her right.

Josh shook her hand with a slight smirk. "Nice to meet you..."


"Kylie." He repeated and smiled at her, putting his hand down. "Relax."

She nodded and sat normally, biting her lip and sneaking another glance at him, looking away when he was still looking a her.

"Oh fuck, I'm Josh." He said suddenly.

"I know who you are." She laughed, motioning at her sweater and then her phone. "As I'm sure you've noticed." She blew at a strand of black hair that had fallen in her face. "Hey. The suspicions were right. You do wear makeup off stage sometimes." She eyed the darker shading in the hollows of his cheekbones, "Kat Von D?" She hummed.

"Don't spread rumours. Maybe I've just lost weight." He huffed, teasing.

Kylie smirked. "Well since you are on drugs and all..."

"Fuck off." He laughed. "I'm assuming then you're not one of the crazies? Especially since you're not grabbing at my dick right now?"

The female hummed. "I'll admit I did have my crazy phase. When I was in grade 8 we got married." She said easily. "It's almost our 5 year anniversary. What's my gift?" She smirked, winking one of her blue eyes at him.

"Your gift... Shit. You joined the mile high club?" He laughed, eyeing her still.

"Too real, too real." She blushed and giggled a little. "We are actually on a plane, and although I'm not crazy. I still think you're... Nevermind. You're my best friend for the flight I've decided because whether or not you like it I'm gonna ramble out of nervousness." Kylie shrugged and laughed a little, seeming slightly more comfortable now

"Well be happy I spent an extra hour on my contour then. Or else I wouldn't have been late. This was the only seat left." He hummed.

Kylie grinned, grabbing her phone and opening snapchat. "Selfie? I have to have at least one." She hummed and leaned close to him to take the photo. She posted it to her story with the caption, "Plane besties."

Josh chuckled and put on his seatbelt as the flight attendants came around to check.

Just as the engines started to rumble, signalling they were about to take off, Kylie turned to him. "You know, this should be fun. I'm glad you were late."

Airplane 3: Josh Ramsay?Where stories live. Discover now