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A/N So here's a smut for you all, but I have an even better one (raunchy threesome smut fic with Camila, Lauren, and Dinah)in my docs and I'm thinking of releasing it at 300 youtube subs (link on profile). Trust me when I say that I can not find a 5h fic like it lol


(story not mine, credit on title page)

AU where Camila sleepwalks

"So I found this book," Lauren said sitting beside Camila on her bed of the hotel room. Ally and Normani were on the other bed and Dinah had the little pull out couch, but it was a Marriott so the pull out couch was just as amazing as the regular beds.

Camila laughed. "A book on sleepwalking?"

"I've been doing research ever since you mentioned that you're a sleepwalker to us during our last drunken bonding moment."

Dinah chuckled tiredly. "Dude she said she did it as a kid and she used to change her clothes and tired to walk out of windows."

"It never really goes away, she could be doing it all the time and not ever know it because she returns back to her the bed the way she was before," Lauren said. "According to the book it can be triggered by all sorts of things."

Camila snorted. "I don't think I've been sleepwalking the whole time Lauren."

"You wouldn't remember if you did or didn't Camila," Lauren said.

Normani laughed. "Lauren are you scared?"

"Hell yeah!" Lauren cried. "In some cases people in a somnambulant state can be very dangerous, they're stronger than usual and any little thing can trigger violence like saying their name or speaking too loud or trying to shake them awake."

"In some cases Lauren," Camila said. "I'm not a violent person, even if I still did sleepwalk I would never hurt you."

"I'll make sure not to say your name or touch you just in case," Lauren said.

"You do realize that talking about sleepwalking could end up triggering the sleepwalking?" Ally said.

Dinah and Camila burst out laughing when Lauren's face went pale and her eyes widened.

"Relax Lauren," Camila said rubbing Lauren's shoulder. "I would never hurt you. According to my mom, whenever I slept walked she talked to me calmly and as if I were a baby. She'd rub my back a lot until she coerced me back to bed."

Lauren sighed. "Good to know a technique."

"I'm here too Lauren," Normani said. "I would help."

"Yeah but you sleep like a damn rock, you won't wake up even if we slapped you in the face," Lauren said.

Normani made a face. "You don't slap me in the face to wake me up right?"

Camila laughed. "Of course not!"

"Cause sometimes I wake up and my face is tingling..."

"Mani come on!" Lauren laughed.

"Let's just go to sleep before someone really does get slapped," Camila said.



Since no one thought to bring a dvd player into their room, Dinah, Lauren, and Camila all decided on hanging out together in the bus for a bit and picked out a movie to watch together. Dinah laughed aloud when something funny happened in the movie. Lauren snorted and rolled her eyes at the stupidity of it all. Camila would've laughed too if she had been awake. Instead her head was on Lauren's lap, her brunette hair was all over her face, her mouth was open, and her eyes were half closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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Sleepwalker *smut* (Camila, Lauren, Dinah)Where stories live. Discover now