CB || These stars will guide us home

549 17 5

song| All Of The Stars - Ed Sheeran

Part one: The letters 

Letter one

Dear Stella,

We've settled in another town. My cousins told me that it's quite nice, I can't tell; all my time I spent either working or sitting alone. Thinking about you. About how much I missed you.

God Stella, words cannot even describe how much I miss you. I miss those beautiful multicoloured eyes of yours; they made you so insecure all the time, to me they were the most unique and brilliant eyes I have ever seen, had me spellbound right from the start. I miss your shy sheepish smile and how you would smile sweetly and lovingly at me, the way your cheeks redden whenever I give you a well-deserved compliment and I miss your soft blond strands of hair, how radiant it looks when it catches the sun. I miss your laugh, so very much; sometimes I would just close my eyes and imagine your laughter, and if I focused enough I would almost hear it, and I promise you I am not crazy, just crazy about you, that's all. I even miss your awkwardness, the way you let out a cute little giggle whenever I do something funny and I miss your soft smooth voice. I miss your pink lips, how they feel pressed to my own. All of you. I miss all of you Stella.

And I can't sleep well, I go to bed late, I can't help staying up thinking of you and remembering our memories together but when I do sleep I dream of you, my mom tells me that I talk to you in my sleep, call out to you. I miss looking at you, playing with your hair, kissing you, touching you, talking to you, joking with you, having fun with you, working with you in your uncle's shop, sneaking out to see you so your parent's or your brother won't find out about us, holding your delicate hands in my own and just about every single thing that we used to do together.

Don't you ever think I wasn't serious when I told you I'll come back to you; I promise you I meant with everything in me and I am nothing but serious when it comes to you or us Stella, I am not sure when, but what I am sure of is that I will come back for you Stella, so wait for me.

I love you.


Letter Twelve

I see your face in the glistening stars

My love you are the bright sunshine

A spring flower when it blooms

You're everywhere

You're with me

Wherever I go

No matter how far we are

You are forever in my heart

I am your caravan boy

And you're my girl

You're the first and last thing on my mind

Your laugh is engraved in my memory

I wish I could be right next to you

When I close my eyes

All I see is you

My love when you miss me too much

Whisper your words to the stars

Maybe they will reach me

Distance is not enough

Not enough to bring us apart

If distance separated us now

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