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This ws my first story I've ever written so I'm sorry if it's bad and repetitive
Walking down the hall all you hear is barking. Dogs on either side of Sam and Dean begging for affection and for them to bring one of them home.
Dean decided he was going to adopt a dog since Sam had just recently moved out to live with Jess and make a family of their own. He figured it would get lonely now that he's living alone.

"Thanks again for coming Sammy" "Hey, it's the least I could do" Sam replied just as dean stopped dead in his tracks.
Sam turned his attention to what it was that dean had stopped so suddenly for. In the corner of the cage was a little black and white dog. Couldn't be no older than a year old. She was curled up into a ball and if you listened close enough you could hear the little snores coming from her. "Angel.." Dean quietly whispered as he read the information on the cage door.

Name: Angel
Sex: Female
​​​​​​​Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier
Age: 7 Months
Good With: Cats, Dogs, Kids, Small Animals

"What do you think?" Sam asked after they both finished reading the information. "I'm going to ask if I can see her" he replied.

Once they asked to see her and they were in the cage with her she started to jump around and lick the boys faces. "Hey Sammy?" "Yeah?"
"I think she's the one" Dean said with a big smile on his face.

Dean was told everything about her that he needed to know, like her story of being neglected and left on the streets, how she couldn't be left alone for more than 3-4 hours and how she may take some time to warm up to people.

Once dean had filled out all of his information to adopt he ended up being able to take her home now. So he dropped Sam off at home because he had work then next morning, and Dean went off to the pet store to get some supplies for Angel. He put the leash on her and brought her into the store and let her choose the toys she liked.
After and hour of buying everything he needed and some extra things he was finally on his way home with Angel sitting next to him in the Impala, staring at him with her little puppy smile.

when they got home Dean laid all of her toys out into a little basket he bought for her things. He put her bed next to his and put out her food and water dish. "Alright Angel" he said after an hour of setting everything up for her. "It's time to go to bed" he patted her bed and she ran over and lid down on it and closed her eyes.

Dean got into bed after turning the lights off and got comfortable. A couple minutes later he heard shuffling, he knew it was Angel and assumed she was trying to get comfortable too. After a while it stopped, then he heard a little weak bark, he looked over the side of the bed to see Angel staring up at him trying to get onto the bed.

He patted the empty space next to him and she leaped up and licked his face. He smiled at her as she lid down in between his arm and his side.

Maybe it wouldn't take time for her to warm up to him.

And for the first time in years, Dean went to sleep not feeling lonely.
And so did Angel.

A/N~ I feel like this is terrible but I'm going to keep it up and see what everyone thinks about it. Please let me know if you like it!!!

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