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Hey,im caden im not good at this so im gonna list thing s about myself

» im 16

« im very good at talking I could talk all day

» Im single

« im gay sorry ladies but we can be friends

» I like reading bxb boys so if you know or have any good books tell me

«I can be very dramatic

» I tend to curse ALOT

» I dont have a phone but I do have a big ass tablet

« I love candy well most

» I love most fruits

« I lose this big ass tablet often not sure how if I had a phone id lose it alot more than this shitty thing

» im not innocent fully at least but I somewhat am

« im not sure how long this list is gonna be my fingers are hurting and my hand from holding my tablet up so hopefully doesnt go on much longer sorry for boring you lovely people 😘

»my full name is Caden maxwell davis

« I will refer to myself in 3rd person

«» I do wear glasses sometimes but mostly contacts

« I will tell you NOw im not the greatest speller I dont
need the grammar police on my back so just so you know your gonna say shit about my self you should fuck off! 🔪🔪 not afraid to stab a bitch (if I ask if I spelled something wrong that's different)

«»heathens by twenty-one pilots is my favorite song (loved suicide squad)

«»heathens by twenty-one pilots is my favorite song (loved suicide squad)

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