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For an amazing cover :)


Dread filled my mind. Today was the last day of the summer holidays and tomorrow I would be starting my final year at Southside School more commonly know as Hell.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I thought about going back. If I didn’t need an education to leave this town, I wouldn’t return to that prison. When you hear about the people who can’t go to school, I would gladly give them my place. 

Don’t get me wrong the place would be great if things would change; the lessons are actually okay and the teachers would be too…if they weren’t scared of certain students.

I know some people dislike school but my feelings were a bit stronger.

The thought of going back terrified me…

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Hi Everyone this is the new improved version of my book 'The Final Year' so it is very similar but hopefully better. Tell me what you think :)

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